I Come in Piece
Part Four
Hawai'i October 2012 - November 2013
I landed in Kona on October 2nd 2012. Back to Hawai'i. I felt like I could breathe again, like I hadn't had a full breath in months. I knew the lay of the land this time, had booked a flight to be on schedule with the one bus that runs daily down to South Kona. One federal reserve game token later, and I was on my way!
I arrived at Pineapple Park, greeted by the Ohana of friendly faces. They were, very happy to see me. The owner asked me, "You ready get back to work?"
"Ha, I am going to rent a couple of days first from you, have a bit of vacation, then, you know it"
The next morning I took the Captain Cook Trail down to the bay. This time it was just after the rainy season, the green grasses were lush and tall, flowers bloomed and perfumed the warm air. It felt like what I had "expected" to see on the first trip. I made it down to the water, it was early, no boats or tourists yet. I took my boots off, my bare feet hit the warm lava rock.....and boom!! A dolphin spins out of the water, high into the air. I sit down on the ledge, my gear waiting beside me. I had gotten a little wooden flute on the first trip, I would play my melody to the water. Giving my love and appreciation to the Mother. I sat down and played my flute. My feet in the water so my body would act as an instrument reverberating the sounds through the water. As I played, several more dolphins spun and danced out of the water. I finished my tune, geared up and dove in.
I began singing to the dolphins, a tune I always sung to them. As I sang, they whistled and clicked loudly. I felt, such love and encouragement for the choice that I had made. I swam out past the coral shelf and out towards the center of the bay, close to the 19.47 line. When I was just about over the "vortex" up swam several dolphins, straight to me. Gazing deep into my eyes. There was one female I recognized, she sent via heart connection to me, "Look who arrived while you were gone"
Just then the pod circled around me and from behind came up two female dolphins, presenting their new born babies to me. The mothers swam on either side of me, my arms outstretched in front of me, their keiki's close in on my sides, inches away from my rib cage. The calves were very young, maybe only a couple of days old, they were not much bigger than the size of a foot ball. As they swam so close to my body, I felt from the mothers and the rest of the pod such a sense of pride for their new additions. They sent me understandings of deep levels of trust, as their new babies almost grazed my ribs, they sent me how much they loved and trusted me. I received understandings that this time around, my lessons, would be more, yes, serious.. At that very moment I felt the urge to float. To surrender my self to the bay and the mother womb. As I laid on the water and looked up at the sky I saw a very defined triangle shaped cloud. My ears still in the water, the dolphins made a blasting sound....
Is that just a cloud? I asked my self.. the dolphins blasted a note again... this and that..I decided to play, it was a space craft, disguising itself as a cloud..
"Okay, then, Notice how you feel" The dolphins coached me. "Be honest"
The first thing that came up for me was "Well, that just IS. Like being in the proper scene in the movie. There was no "excitement" or "joy" or "light and love" It just WAS. It was part of reality. I felt how all of my senses where currently being monitored. I felt I was acting as a probe. I was okay with this. Then I felt, "dive down"
I followed the instructions from what felt like the dolphins, a whistle confirmed for me that they were the ones I was having this current telepathic communication with, the dolphins had control of the "party line" that I was connected to. As I dove down I saw a mass, again, about the size of a football, a jelly like substance at the bottom of the bay, next to a bit of coral.
"You are seeing this smaller than it really is" the dolphins sent to me "How much you will be able to see right now is in direct reflection to your emotional state.
"What the....?" I watched the bubble mass start to expand, maybe to the size of an oval beach ball..
"Plasma. Nummo" The dolphins sent.
My heart pumped. Loud. As I continued to hold my breath. There was a state of shock, yet there was again, no "positive" or "negative". It just was.
The mass grew even more...my heart pumped and I jumped back up to the surface..
"Well done" The dolphins told me. "Float a minute, don't dive back down. Feel what you feel"
The triangle "cloud" was still over me. I knew there was something under me. This feeling was intense. I did not necessarily "like" it. I became aware that I was floating out in the middle of the bay, alone. With dolphins yes, but alone. The dolphins were my friends, I trusted them to the ends of the earth, but I felt in that moment that they were wild unpredictable animals. I was in their home...was I seeing things? Was I hearing things? No...they are magic and this is happening, but yes, take note of your wavering trust, even in the dolphins...they clicked and whistled unconditional loving encouragement at my realization. I felt beyond vulnerable. Was this plasma bubble going to suck me in to her depths?? Did I kind of want her too, maybe? But NO. Not really. Was the triangle "cloud" going to "beam me up ?" Did I kind of want her to? Maybe. But No. Not really. I felt a tugging at my energy from above and below. Then a realization of being in the open water again...forget "multi - dimensionals" what about Sharks!? Then a warm energy came to me from the east.
"Feel Me" A woman's voice and then the dolphins clicked. "Expand side to side open wide as they relay up and down" An image of Pele, the Volcano Goddess from the East came to me. Again the dolphins clicked. I felt her send warm energy through the island and into the Gateway of the Gods. I felt for a flash that I was just floating in the bathtub at my parent's house. I was comforted. Then back to the open Bay. I was still just in my "mother's bathtub" Then I pulled the camera back, I saw the Big Island, where I was in relation to her coast, then the entire Island chain, Then North America thousands of miles away, and then the whole globe rounded out. I was keenly aware of where I was on the planet. Knew through the center of my being. The four directions spoke to me like clear defined aspects of creation. I was so grounded, floating out in the middle of the bay, so grateful for experience.
My body told me it was time to swim the half mile back to the shore. I dove back down and swam in the clear waters back over the coral reef.
"If you are up for it, we have one other thing we would like to show you" I felt the dolphins send
"Sure, bring it!"
"Implants?" They sent... I heard and felt a strong buzz from them. Then my right form arm tingled, hard with a sensation. It hurt, I felt it deep in my veins in the crook of my arm. I had to stop swimming and surfaced for a deep breath. I took my arm out of the water. No marks, or anything "different" But it felt, weird, kinda queasy. And my arm tingled all the way down to my fingers.
huh... Interesting...
Then, my instincts kicked in, I still had to make it back to the shore.. As I dove back down I saw a cluster of baby, baby man o wars... interesting...hey! what's up? these could have stung me to make that sensation and not even left a mark....yet.. what gives dudes? Asking the dolphins.
A chorus of clicks that sounded like laughter. Tricksters. But that was the point...
"You have done very well Gita San" I felt in my heart " Sometimes, there are no "answers" only more questions, and really, those are the best "answers". Welcome back. "
A reached the shore and pulled myself up on the rock ledge. I watched the boats start to pull in and the kayaks start to come over. I thanked the dolphins for their love and teachings.
A jump and spin out of the water!
Mahalo. And I was on my way up the hill.
My friend from California, the one who I had met at the Bashar session in November of 2011 came out to stay in Hawai'i for a while starting in late October, we will call him, Kage. I got him a work trade at the hostel as well. His first night on the Island, we stood out side the hostel watching the stars. There was an orb, a light, a "UFO" making odd movements around a two particular stars. I needed to know what the constellation was, Kage has a star map on his fancy phone! Sweet.
The two stars were part of the Ophiuchus constellation. The "serpent bearer" or the "serpent charmer" It has been called the 13th sign of the Zodiac. Located opposite Orion in the sky. Interesting....well, hello there...
I will never forget the first day Kage and I went down to the South side, the Heiau side of Kealakeakua Bay. The dolphins were in, almost 3 dozen of them! And in so close to the shallows. Kage and I were the only ones down there that early too, it was a special welcoming for Kage.
I channeled for him one evening, the same "hybrid child being" I had channeled in LA.
I was again back on her "base" being shown how drastically thought changed the environment. When I heard Kage ask her if she had a name. She pulled me over to listen, "ooh this part will be good, you'll like this", she said to me.
She went on to explain that she does have a "name" with the beings she is with now, or more of an energetic reference point. But if Kage would like to name her, that would be a preferred way for her to get the reference point for this "here".
Kage thought about it for a split second and then said "How 'bout Isabelle?"
I felt a giggle, a squeal of laughter. "Oh that is perfect! I IS a Bell! We all are! And it is one of my favorite games to make bells go off just by tuning my frequency! Well done!"
I began to be keenly aware during this time of the dolphin's cycles. When they were in a rest cycle or in socializing mode. One day Kage and I went to swim at Honanunau. The dolphins were in. They were quiet, in a rest mode. Yet still dozens of humans tried to swim with them, trailing up close behind them, trying to get to see them closer or snap pictures. I will admit, I wanted "in on the action too" there is an energy that comes up that is similar to the "Elvira" character in the "Looney Tunes" Cartoons when she sees a fluffy cat, "I just wanna love him, and squeeze him, and pet him" This is an energy that comes up for many of us when we see anything exotic we want to interact with, be it human, animal, or otherwise. This day in particular, I wanted to swim with the dolphins too, yes I knew it wasn't appropriate etiquette, but I felt if "every one else gets to, why don't I?"
I dove down deep, but no deeper than usual. I felt a strong sensation in my molar teeth, a dull deep pain. And then a buzz in my skull.. I heard "You know better" I surfaced to find Kage wide eyed at me.
"You are bleeding, Gita"
Blood was running out underneath my snorkel mask and down my chin. I took my mask off and to find that I had a bloody nose. I am not going to say that the dolphins gave me a bloody nose with their sonar or anything, however, I do think that is possible. I do not know what triggered the bloody nose, maybe just going down too deep too fast. Metaphor? Yes, life is a waking dream and everything is always there to be interpreted as symbols. Message received. I left the water. This was an inappropriate time to be interacting with the dolphins. They were trying to rest. I knew better. I vowed to myself and the dolphins that day, I would abide by integrity based social etiquette when interacting with "alien" species. It is not appropriate, polite, or holistic to engage in activity when the pod is in rest mode...
During December of 2012 and into the following months, my outer reality began to more directly reflect this "grand story" The best way that I can describe these experiences is that the "mirrors got closer" People started popping up in my reality that I didn't know how to "classify". The "dreams" started to become "real", with "everyday" people truly beginning to act as scene partners in "the show". I began to fully understand how my perceptions and energies directly reflected into and changed my experiences with people. These people were "trickster" archetypes too. I was playing more closely with aspects of "my over soul" and finding more and more that everyone was a direct reflection of "the One soul" One character in particular played a very interesting role in my outer reality. He was a romantic love interest, we will call him "the Dreamer" We worked at a cafe together and quickly spiraled into a very interesting connection. I told him of my experiences with these "other worldly" energies.
"Oh, yes, Miss, I understand"
We talked in parables and metaphors. The true reality of the situation was up for interpretation and dependent solely on the others perceptions, something that can be very challenging to accurately express. He called him self a "dreamer" He said he lived life times in his dream states since childhood. He was an agent who worked for "The One", he said. He had a very different, and in my opinion very modern and aware connection with the being known as Yeshua. Jesus Christ. He had grown up Christian, but had done a lot of his own reading and internal questioning to define his own relationship with "The Son". The Dreamer said he was specialized in navigating and infiltrating realities. Always for the sake of integration, no matter how it may "look".
One day we were out to lunch, sitting on a patio overlooking the ocean. A very picturesque setting, fit for a movie. We sat in our tattooed skin, black clothing, and dark sunglasses. Very much looking "our parts" I asked him simply, "Have you heard of Bashar?"
"One moment..." the Dreamer replied. His hand fiddled with a fork on the table, the "Nothing is Impossible" tattoo danced on his forearm. "I do know the beings you refer to, but I know them by a different name. I will tell you, it is not what you think it is, Miss. But you know this, nothing is what we think it is. I can tell you, I feel there are parts of them that are not very happy that we have met. But this is a Will that is beyond them. And there are other parts who dance with joy at our connection. Oh, and the woman.....April"
"Wait. stop." I said...."How do you know that name? You have never seen any videos or the website or anything, right?"
"That is correct, Miss. Like I said, I know these beings in different ways. The names may change, but the frequency is always the same. The name was just, whispered to me. You know how this can happen, it happens to you too. The energies are always the same...everywhere..every time. It is "type casting" so...April, how does she fit, right?"
I hesitated. April has always been nothing but kind to me. She is a lovely woman who wants nothing to create and spread love, but I had to admit, there was something about her energy that always seemed "off" to me. And not in a way were she was at fault or anything of the sort. But maybe in a way like she was being used, or even fed from, against her will or awareness. I said to the Dreamer that I felt the same could be said of Darryl at times, however he always seemed more "alien" to me and "in the know of something" I felt guilt saying these things to the Dreamer, felt like I was betraying my friends. But I had to be honest with what I felt.
"You must always be honest with how you feel as this story progresses. That is why you are playing this role, because of how deeply you can feel. You are, like a Crown Jewel. The One showed you to me years ago. You will be called into action. You will be "announced" And we will be there. You must never forget your rank. Remember, You outrank all of us." The Dreamer winked a smile and I could see his eyes sparkle behind his dark glasses.
My mind flashed to the vision I had over the summer in LA, with the "man in black" - "you must never forget, you outrank all of us" My mouth dropped in shock. The dreamer fiddled with his fork again, the inked in "Nothing is Impossible" danced on his arm as he smiled at me.
My reality began to spin... I felt I was inside a movie. I knew it was a movie. Where are the hidden cameras??? Is anyone seeing this? What a great scene!!! I didn't know what to think. It was overwhelming. I grounded myself into the expression of appreciation for the moment. I sent love and gratitude to April and Darryl. And their counterparts, whatever, whomever exactly they might be. I sat in a slight state of shock, I watched the waves come in and out and, well, ate my lunch.
The late afternoon, evening of December 21st 2012, I was alone in "The Dreamer's" apartment, he was at a business meeting for the cafe he worked at. Two hours behind LA time, I could feel when Darryl had entered into the altered state at a session event in LA. I could feel myself being torn in two. My inner confusion about around these energies came to the surface in a very physical way. The back of my neck, the channeling chakra, pulsed strong. I have had this sensation on and off for years, but this was strong. I felt my crown chakra being pulled open. I had to use my voice. Now. I grabbed the Dreamer's guitar and started to sing
Eh aya Elohim
Tu a lure amore Sassani
Oh, La, Ra, Ili
Mia e Nummo
Mahalo Gaia
Lahani, shivai
I call to the ancestors
You, I, We, are the ones who call, who lure, who bait for love and light
Oh sun, son, and mirror
The Mary, the Mia, the Sisters of the Seven,(Pleiades) and the Nummo (Sirius)
I see you as an aspect of myself, through divine breath and through the center of the galaxy are we connected. Thank you, Gaia
Brutal sun (son), I am on my path!
Then I saw a two doorways, two thresholds maybe in my "minds eye" or "there". Is there a difference? The archetype of The Son appeared in one, his right hand outstretched with seven starts upon it. In the second was an Image of "Bashar" maybe? But an elder ET being in robes, in his hand he held a double edged sword. And sent to me.
You must make a choice, with whom will you walk?
I chose "The Son"
We know you will choose to stay with your race. But you will never fully leave us, it is a double edged sword. This and That. We love you. Unconditionally. Thank you for allowing yourself to more fully see us and your true self.
He laid the double edge sword on the ground. And I feel asleep.
A few hours later, The Dreamer woke me up coming home from his meeting. I told him what happened. "Let's watch a movie!" He smiled. "I know a good one."
He put in the "13th Warrior" I had not told him yet about my connections to the number 13. I laughed, and he echoed and then "Just Wait.." The 13th Warrior is a loose retelling of the tale of Beowulf. Just as the film is picking up speed, the Antonio Banderas character and the Norse men are sitting around the fire, the men talk in their native language.
"Pay attention here, this scene will be important for you, now and down the line" Said the Dreamer.
Close ups on Antonio Banderas' eyes. "You see the 'type casting' here? But she is a girl this time, she had to be, there was no other way." The Dreamer says.
- Skeld the Superstitious: Blow-hards the both of you. She probably was some smoke-colored camp girl. Looked like that one's mother. [laughter]
- Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: My mother ... was a pure woman from a noble family. And I, at least, know who my father is, you pig-eating son of a whore!
- Herger the Joyous: Where did you learn our language
? - Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: I listened!
And with that, like a magic wand had been waved over me. I feel asleep again.. the evening and the week's prior events was all to much for me to handle awake. I went to process in the astral.
The Day of the 22nd I called my friend that we will call, The Crown, he was the friend I met in LA after The Bashar session in June, the one who I first channeled "Isabelle" for. I felt the need to "report in" to tell him my story. I told him my experiences with the Dreamer and the energies the night before.
"They are introducing a new character tonight," The Crown said, as he was attending the session in LA. "She is a "parallel reality specialist" from our "future", Willow Hillacressing."
"Stop, don't tell me any more. It's "cheating' I jested. "This is getting very interesting." I said to The Crown.
He laughed in agreement, "Indeed"
That late afternoon, early evening. I was too curious to not "tune in" I felt the strong possibility of being able to telaport, or bi-locate to the Session in LA!! It was the most amazing feeling, as I lay on the floor of The Dreamer's apartment. The walls of reality pealing down. It felt like I was falling through shards of a broken mirror... Then the presence of a female being.. Hello Willow. She said she could show me how to "jump" I could go, tonight, to LA. It was easy. But I would have to allow her in, the way I had the other energies. I agreed. I felt a thicket of energy coarse through me, and my heart split in two. My desire fractured. I wanted to and I did not. There was distrust in this new character that I had to honor. "Yesh - You are, stay where you are, my Mia" I heard, it was The Son and the Holy Ghost. My Will override Willow's and I told her, thank you, but no thank you, you may go. And so she did. The Dreamer and I spent the rest of the evening watching "The Lord of the Rings" I needed to get lost in story, to find another type of "Grey Havens"
I wrote to Darryl sometime soon after this, sharing my recent experiences. I have for years felt the need to "report to him". Even with these new plot twists, I have nothing but respect and appreciation for him and whatever our connection may be. I told him that I was being shown "the other side of the coin" when it came to the Bashar information and energy. They are showing me their darkness. I feel that is how we learn to be our greatest selves, as individuals, by looking at all parts of ourselves. This is how we truly begin to act out the collective story. And maybe how to, "put Bashar out of a job", as he himself has said, will one day happen. He is a great teacher, and sometimes the best teachers may even try to trick us, to make sure that we learn the lessons for ourselves. I have interest in sharing this information, I told him, I feel it my, "duty". I could write it in a way to weave out any reference to Bashar, Sassani, or Cybo... But I do feel it important to stay with in the framework already set. It will take some time for me to ground and organize it, but I wanted to let you know first.
He simply responded with
"Good to hear from you and thank you for sharing your journey as well as keeping me informed and running things by me. It's much appreciated.
Regarding your use of
Bashar, Sassani or Cybo (note the spelling), as long as you are simply
relating your story in your own words of your experience with them, it's
fine to refer to them by name. However, I would prefer that any
concepts you may come up with in your personal explorations with them
not be presented as coming from Bashar or Cybo directly, but expressed
and explained instead as your own personal interpretation of the
Wishing all the best on your continuing journey."
In February of 2013, a lovely girl from Sweden, who was traveling through Hawaii came to stay at Pineapple Park. She was on her
path of "expansion" she was, as we all are, "waking up" We became fast
friends as we talked about our connection to "other worldly" energies
and beings, our deep interest in mythology and story, and our bond with
the dolphins and the water world in general. Her name was Isabelle.
Even though I was still "on the fence" about how I wanted to interact with these ET energies, the appearance of a real life Isabelle was too much for me to ignore my curiosities. I was interested to connect back to "my Isabelle" and see what would come up. I asked my new friend if she would be interested in hearing a channeling. Yes! She was very curious and interested.
For the first time, I taped a channeling with "Isabelle". I felt the information was fairly clear. I do believe that it is very possible she is very "real". I also believe she is also my own inner child. A "permission slip" to access "higher" parts of my own consciousness. I do believe this to also be true with Bashar in some ways, it is all smoke and mirrors. As I went back to listen to the recording, I found parts where I was "slipping" in and out of character. Yes, it takes time to practice and to clear out energies and blockages. But there were times in the recording when it felt like it was MY knowing. MY story, and like the dream I had before going to Hawai'i the first time, maybe "Isabelle" was a puppet I was putting on my hand to play out my own story. I do think this could be "true" with Bashar in some ways as well. I think, in general, it is just time for us all, to start thinking more. To expand our imaginations and create for ourselves what we think is "true". Question. Stay the skeptic, for when we "believe" something too harshly, we then become the cynic.
In the channeling "Isabelle" said that she was in a ship stationed under water off the northern part of Maui. The Trickster Creator God. She did not say who she was with, be it the "Sassani" or "Yahyel" As I will discuss later in this installment, these labels and classifications within the Bashar Mythology are becoming increasingly irrelevant to me. She said that her and her family had come to this part of the world because they too greatly enjoyed swimming with and learning from the dolphins and whales. They were here to adjust to different aspects of gravity, to try different foods, some of them wanted to EAT...And in some cases, even interact with certain humans "ready" for contact. She went on to further say that Maui was an energetic spot on the planet that her and her Ohana were very attracted to as it holds the appropriate vibrations for them to be able to make a happy home.
I found this information interesting, again, I did not "believe it" I did however, feel "excitement" to share it with Darryl Anka and April Rochelle, so I sent them the recording to them via email. The same night that I shared the recording with Bashar Communications via email, I had a dream. Again, I found myself in the grove of redwood trees with the "grandmother beings" Through white wisps of moon hairs they sent to me "The Web. Hybrid Children Community" I woke and checked online, sure enough a very sweet website had been set up by two women in the Bashar Community. I hesitated to contact them, as I felt they where very happy with their perceptions and beliefs concerning the "hybrid children" It is very real to them. In their story, they are mothers of hybrid children and are very excited to have them "return home" My story was different. I am questioning. I decided I had to follow the whispers in the dream and introduce myself to them. In this time of my transition I used terms such as "Indigo" and "Hybridized Human" to introduce myself to these women. I see now I wanted to play a role in "the story", rather than choosing to write a new one and share it, which can be scary. I will admit I think I bent myself to conform more along the lines of what I thought they would be receptive to hear.
The two women were very happy and excited to hear from me. As it turned out, one woman was actually in Hawai'i! At the dolphin retreat with April Rochelle. Great! Let's meet up. She never called me. I know that life gets busy and that "things happen" Yet we are attracted to interact with people for certain reasons. We "forget" to keep up on plans when the "agreement" is not something we currently in alignment with.
I exchanged a few more emails with the other woman from the website, she told me that she was gearing up to go to a UFO conference, her weekend would be busy, and then after that we would try to find a time to chat via phone. In my parting email I wrote to her "Have a great time! Blast off!" She responded with "I will, and I am hoping for more of a beam up!" I never heard back from her either. In my parting words of "blast off" it was my intention to infer that we have the power to get us anywhere we wish to go, we do not need to be "beamed up" anymore. The lack of continued connection with these women did hurt me slightly, but I am learning not to take things too personally. I learned that maybe I was "correct" and that some people would not be excited to hear my side of the story. Because what I am doing is in a sense, taking away the "Story". I continued to follow their blog and website, and always their information and posts in someway or another mirrored or synchronized with aspects of my personal story and experiences. Whatever is happening, there is a collective "imagination" or expression of archetype that we are connected to. Some time later I saw that the same woman who had visited Hawai'i in fact returned to Maui a little later, because, as I interpreted from her blog, that Bashar had told her Maui was an activation point, a place of strong energy that the "hybrid children" were attracted to. I found this very interesting, one part of me thought, "oh, great I was "right" my channeling of Isabelle had been clear and Bashar had "validated" that. Then, I also thought. And No, I could have also planted that bit of information. I am also writing this story, he doesn't get full credit. Maybe I taped into something that was "real" or I created it and then it becomes "real" A storyline represented itself and the universe, said, great thanks! That actually works quite well. Had Darryl and April even listened to the recordings? Had the woman from the website? Did that play a part in the significance of Maui coming into their consciousness? I didn't know, but also I knew that it didn't matter, Bashar and his folk are always "listening" I am wired into the frequency, all the time, as is Darryl. Whatever is needed is passed on in ways that are not temporal on technological devices. It was a "chicken or the egg", a question that has no one answer. I found it very interesting and logged the information in my vaults.
I began to feel that my placement on Hawai'i really was that, a placement. I was "on duty" I felt that my biological mechanism was aiding in the transmission of energy and information to and from many different beings in the "Bashar Mythology" and others. I felt I was helping to facilitate the connection from Earth to stars, from the Sirius energies to the Sassani and then to Darryl. I was on the "party line" During days that I new Darryl would be going into the altered state for public sessions, I made sure I was at least in the ocean, or in most cases, with the dolphins. I felt, what could be best described as a "motherly duty" to do what I could to help the information come through as clear as possible.
Even though I was still "on the fence" about how I wanted to interact with these ET energies, the appearance of a real life Isabelle was too much for me to ignore my curiosities. I was interested to connect back to "my Isabelle" and see what would come up. I asked my new friend if she would be interested in hearing a channeling. Yes! She was very curious and interested.
For the first time, I taped a channeling with "Isabelle". I felt the information was fairly clear. I do believe that it is very possible she is very "real". I also believe she is also my own inner child. A "permission slip" to access "higher" parts of my own consciousness. I do believe this to also be true with Bashar in some ways, it is all smoke and mirrors. As I went back to listen to the recording, I found parts where I was "slipping" in and out of character. Yes, it takes time to practice and to clear out energies and blockages. But there were times in the recording when it felt like it was MY knowing. MY story, and like the dream I had before going to Hawai'i the first time, maybe "Isabelle" was a puppet I was putting on my hand to play out my own story. I do think this could be "true" with Bashar in some ways as well. I think, in general, it is just time for us all, to start thinking more. To expand our imaginations and create for ourselves what we think is "true". Question. Stay the skeptic, for when we "believe" something too harshly, we then become the cynic.
In the channeling "Isabelle" said that she was in a ship stationed under water off the northern part of Maui. The Trickster Creator God. She did not say who she was with, be it the "Sassani" or "Yahyel" As I will discuss later in this installment, these labels and classifications within the Bashar Mythology are becoming increasingly irrelevant to me. She said that her and her family had come to this part of the world because they too greatly enjoyed swimming with and learning from the dolphins and whales. They were here to adjust to different aspects of gravity, to try different foods, some of them wanted to EAT...And in some cases, even interact with certain humans "ready" for contact. She went on to further say that Maui was an energetic spot on the planet that her and her Ohana were very attracted to as it holds the appropriate vibrations for them to be able to make a happy home.
I found this information interesting, again, I did not "believe it" I did however, feel "excitement" to share it with Darryl Anka and April Rochelle, so I sent them the recording to them via email. The same night that I shared the recording with Bashar Communications via email, I had a dream. Again, I found myself in the grove of redwood trees with the "grandmother beings" Through white wisps of moon hairs they sent to me "The Web. Hybrid Children Community" I woke and checked online, sure enough a very sweet website had been set up by two women in the Bashar Community. I hesitated to contact them, as I felt they where very happy with their perceptions and beliefs concerning the "hybrid children" It is very real to them. In their story, they are mothers of hybrid children and are very excited to have them "return home" My story was different. I am questioning. I decided I had to follow the whispers in the dream and introduce myself to them. In this time of my transition I used terms such as "Indigo" and "Hybridized Human" to introduce myself to these women. I see now I wanted to play a role in "the story", rather than choosing to write a new one and share it, which can be scary. I will admit I think I bent myself to conform more along the lines of what I thought they would be receptive to hear.
The two women were very happy and excited to hear from me. As it turned out, one woman was actually in Hawai'i! At the dolphin retreat with April Rochelle. Great! Let's meet up. She never called me. I know that life gets busy and that "things happen" Yet we are attracted to interact with people for certain reasons. We "forget" to keep up on plans when the "agreement" is not something we currently in alignment with.
I exchanged a few more emails with the other woman from the website, she told me that she was gearing up to go to a UFO conference, her weekend would be busy, and then after that we would try to find a time to chat via phone. In my parting email I wrote to her "Have a great time! Blast off!" She responded with "I will, and I am hoping for more of a beam up!" I never heard back from her either. In my parting words of "blast off" it was my intention to infer that we have the power to get us anywhere we wish to go, we do not need to be "beamed up" anymore. The lack of continued connection with these women did hurt me slightly, but I am learning not to take things too personally. I learned that maybe I was "correct" and that some people would not be excited to hear my side of the story. Because what I am doing is in a sense, taking away the "Story". I continued to follow their blog and website, and always their information and posts in someway or another mirrored or synchronized with aspects of my personal story and experiences. Whatever is happening, there is a collective "imagination" or expression of archetype that we are connected to. Some time later I saw that the same woman who had visited Hawai'i in fact returned to Maui a little later, because, as I interpreted from her blog, that Bashar had told her Maui was an activation point, a place of strong energy that the "hybrid children" were attracted to. I found this very interesting, one part of me thought, "oh, great I was "right" my channeling of Isabelle had been clear and Bashar had "validated" that. Then, I also thought. And No, I could have also planted that bit of information. I am also writing this story, he doesn't get full credit. Maybe I taped into something that was "real" or I created it and then it becomes "real" A storyline represented itself and the universe, said, great thanks! That actually works quite well. Had Darryl and April even listened to the recordings? Had the woman from the website? Did that play a part in the significance of Maui coming into their consciousness? I didn't know, but also I knew that it didn't matter, Bashar and his folk are always "listening" I am wired into the frequency, all the time, as is Darryl. Whatever is needed is passed on in ways that are not temporal on technological devices. It was a "chicken or the egg", a question that has no one answer. I found it very interesting and logged the information in my vaults.
I began to feel that my placement on Hawai'i really was that, a placement. I was "on duty" I felt that my biological mechanism was aiding in the transmission of energy and information to and from many different beings in the "Bashar Mythology" and others. I felt I was helping to facilitate the connection from Earth to stars, from the Sirius energies to the Sassani and then to Darryl. I was on the "party line" During days that I new Darryl would be going into the altered state for public sessions, I made sure I was at least in the ocean, or in most cases, with the dolphins. I felt, what could be best described as a "motherly duty" to do what I could to help the information come through as clear as possible.
At this point in my relationship with "The Dreamer" began to unravel. Our shadow parts started coming out as the mirrors shifted and we reflected different aspects of ourselves that were needed for the continuing of the greater story. I see this now, but then it hurt. Really hurt. I broke up with a boyfriend...again. And not just a boyfriend, I really did think he was "the one" I had come to the point in my life were I truly believed that we are all each other's "soul mate," whomever I am interacting with in any given moment is "my one true love" But with the introduction of this Dreamer, I got lost. I lost what I had worked so hard to understand about "falling" in love. I knew I wanted to stand, I had learned I wanted to stand, and somehow, yet again, I forgot. I cried and cried one night, grieving over the loss of yet another "love" Stop. I said to myself...Is this really about this guy??? Or is it about the loss of the Idea of Love? I asked myself what would you do if He contacted you? This He, we will call, The Raven. He had been a friend of mine for a several years now, someone that I had been very curious about, chemistry had always been there, but we danced around it, never being physically intimate, preferring to talk and be friends. Yes, I have always been interested in him romantically, but more so value him in great depths as a friend. A mirror that I respect profoundly. So, I asked myself, "What would you do if The Raven contacted you right now? Would you still feel the same about this Dreamer Dude?" I laughed to myself. Nope. I wouldn't. And not to say that The Raven is "the one". No, with him my true stance on standing in love with all I meet is hardwired into me, oiled into the mainframe of how I want to view all relationships, he reminds me of a magic that is possible with anyone and everyone I come into contact with. This realization brought me back to a sense of peace with myself. And I was once again in the state of great wonder and appreciation for the moment.
I went inside to my room in the hostel and saw my phone was lit up from just receiving a text message.
"Just got back from hiking in the mountains in Chile. How is life in the tropics?" - The Raven
Oh my stars... Thank you Universe. Thank you. Amazing. "Life is warm here these months. Flowers blooming on top of flowers" I sent back to The Raven
In the coming months my world was fairy dusted with synchronicity from The Raven. Some from the Man himself, but more so, the archetype of energy. The Trickster. The Creator God. The Fire bringer. The Omen of War, maybe an outer war, but more so, the invitation to step on to the battle field with one's self. The dance with the shadow and ego through story. Or the Crow that can take us down our Well, in to the depths of our Will. This Raven energy brought for me a profound sense of Earth Magic and actually connected me to far more sisters and deeper into myself than it did a romantic love interest. I learned during this time the great power that I can have as a woman and how important for me it is to be wise and kind with true, unconditional love.
One day in late spring, my friend and I, we will call him, the Wanderer, were going swimming in Kealakekua. The dolphins were out, but far. We got in the warm waters and I heard the dolphins clicks and whistles. As soon as I immersed myself in all the way I saw the bright blue triangle of "Bashar" come floating at me in my minds eye. "You wanna have a 3way? chat, that is.... ?" the dolphins sent to me. I felt the triad of Human, Sirius and Sassani.
"Sure thing!" I made no mention of this invitation to The Wanderer. I didn't feel it necessary. As we swam out into the middle of the bay we came across a bate school. My next thought was..
"Shit. That means...Shark!"
I had never seen a shark in the bay, I had heard they will come in there from time to time and I had just heard a story from a local girl, she always freaks out when she sees the bate schools she says "that means a shark is close!"
I instantly realized, no! That wasn't my thought! No shark! Not my thought! I heard the dolphins click and whistle. Then I had to surface for breath. There was The Wanderer. Wide eyed. Scared.
"Shark! Right underneath you!" His eyes where scared behind his snorkel mask. He was telling the truth.
No way. Oh my god. I just did that!!! Shit.
"What do I do???"
"What do I do???"
"Dive down, let him see you, and then swim closer to the cliff, into the reef, into the shallows so you can see" The Wanderer looked under the water to see, "Shit...he's big! And right there, circling you. Go."
I dove down. I did not see the shark. I did not look, out of fear. Maybe he swam away. Or maybe he was right behind me. I swam, the fear in The Wanderer's eyes was real. This was happening. I swam for the shallows and heard the dolphins clicks and whistles. My heart pounded but I felt comforted by hearing their sounds. I thought, if this is going to happen, if a shark is going to come up and bite you, what can you do? Really? what can you do? I heard the voice of the uncles
"You bunch da bugga in da nose!"
And then I slipped in to a moment of tranquility. I remembered what the dolphins had shown me when I first got into the water, this Shark was the Bashar energy. And it was only "after me" because I had thought it so. I found myself appreciating how magical that was, I was still scared, but there was a sense of calm beauty in the bizarreness of it all. I made my way to the shallows of the coral reef. The Wanderer made is way up behind me.
"He's gone. I watched him take off. Woah, he was big! Beautiful, though, really. You didn't even look!"
"No, I was too scared. Not gonna lie" We stayed by the reef for a minute, catching our breath. I told him about the message from the dolphins as we had gotten in the water and my thought process before the shark cruised by.
"You, know before I saw it, the whole environment changed. The sky got darker. The water got a little rougher too. Yeah, that was all you!" He jested, but also very serious. "Be careful what you think, Gita Girl."
He was right. I chose to think, it could be a coincidence, but I had to give credit to the lesson here. The power of thought and belief is the greatest one yet. We made our way back to the shallows. As we got out on the rock beach, I almost stepped on a washed up eel. I heard "It's the closest thing to a snake here" There are no snakes in Hawai'i. My mind flashed to the night of the blinking orb around the "snake bearer" constellation. The snake and the dragon have a wide and varied symbolic place in story. Wisdom, the temptation of Eve. Sometimes "Evil" But to me, a symbol of the "darker side" of "truth". It has connection to the "serpent races". I am still honestly unraveling the esoteric meanings of this symbol. And this one was dead, washed up on the shore. I was yet again, in a state of shock about the continuing synchronicities and layers of story. But, be wise, take time to asses surroundings and take care with what you choose to believe, was the lesson for me that day.
I moved out of Pineapple Park Hostel and into a beautiful studio apartment in upper Honaunau. The land was called the "Sanctuary of the Dragon" I connected deeply to the land here, and talked to the mother spirits in a greater way. I so enjoyed having a space of my own to process all that I was learning. And I started writing more songs!! A lot of music started pouring through. My dreams began to be very interesting too. Many of them with The Raven, the Man. He would pop up during interactions with the ETs usually wearing a black suit with aviator mirrored sun glasses, he would show me that there was another way I could choose to go. Other doors that were open to me. You don't have to do it this way, wouldn't you rather play with me?? He would wink, he is a proficient trickster. And continued to be his role, effortlessly replaying synchronicity in waking life. The Raven's energy felt so strongly connected to the Mother Spirit though, and it was important for me to draw straight lines of separation between any possible romantic storyline between the "Real us". I chose to see him as a messenger from another realm, the realm of the elementals. Again, a way that my consciousness was using archetype to provide me with the lessons I needed. He was wired in, it felt, as a character that I trust in my psyche to help me regain balance in the natural laws and to help me find different ways of telling stories.
At this time I began researching the folklore behind faeries. The stories of the Changelings and other faerie "abduction" accounts so mirrored our modern ET/UFO stories, it stunned me. They were essentially the same tales, just with different costumes on. Also the stories of the djinn very much intrigued me. All different ways of telling the story, introducing our minds to the idea of "the other"
It became increasingly sad and difficult to watch the dolphins being "chased" or interacted with when trying to rest. They said to me "we are okay, Gita San, it is part of our agreement"
But, 20 years ago, the average pod size was 138 , it is now 22-28, and in some cases as low as 11-12. The dolphins are being harassed, being "loved to death" I would cry and weep for my friends as I learned the shocking details of how human interaction at inappropriate times was drastically effecting their health and well being.
"but they are dolphins..." some would say, "if they don't like it they can just swim away." No, they "Can't" and first of all, they should not have to. The dolphins come into these bays because they are protected, shallow waters where they can rest away from larger predators. I would see local white people who had been swimming with them for years, swim with them when they where trying to rest. I didn't say much to these people, it so deeply angered me. These people were dolphin junkies and they just needed their fix, it seemed to me they really didn't care about these beings, if they knew the truth behind what these types of interactions was doing, how could they? I tried in some cases to explain to them, how as "locals" we need to set examples. And it would be best if we could get some sort of systems in place to teach visitors about the appropriate ways for interaction. They would bat their eyes and say, oh we tried and tried to get more awareness out there, but what can you do?? Light and love and Aloha.. fuck you. 'I just saw you with them when they were sleeping! Just because "they know you" doesn't make it "right" " I could see deep divers eyes glaze over, in denial. How do you talk to an addict when they have been consumed by the drink? "You, know, I think that some people who are able to dive really deep, might just be only skimming the surface"
These inappropriate interactions pained me deeply as I drew parallels to our experiences currently and in the long ago past with the "other worldly" beings involvement on Earth. So above so below. Earth is in a rest mode, we came here to rest in our safe haven and we are being interacted with in ways, that I see as inappropriate. The contact is getting too close, for my preference. We collectively, as a pod need to share our perspectives and stories. We need time to feel, think and be discerning "alone" together. We need to swim in the depths of what it means to be human. We need to process and rest with all this information as we expand. It is a two way street, we are sending out calls for interactions and in some ways, like the dolphins, we are not. Yes, it is always, at the end of the day "in agreement" when we pull the camera back as far at it will go, these experiences are for the outcome of further learning and integration. But in this frame, in this now, the Will of the dolphins and of humanity is being breached.
They dolphins told me, "do not feel bad for us. live in love and joy, in the face of fear. Always. But, please, share our story. Share what we have shown you."
I had a dream one night where I was half in cold waters with bottle nose dolphins and half in warm waters, in Hawai'i with the Spinners. I was acting as a messenger, helping bring Aloha to the cold waters. I heard as I woke " the waters of your Home need your song now"
I went on line and checked out "dolphins San Fransisco Bay." Turns out there has been an escalation of dolphins and other porpoises returning to the waters of the bay, but the usually friendly mammals have been engaging in territorial fights. The dolphins are killing the other porpoises and in some cases killing their own young in mistake.
My heart had already been whispering me back to San Fransisco for several weeks at this point, a year had gone fast in Hawai'i and I felt it "time" to return. My lease was almost up on my apartment, and this dream was the final message I needed that it was time to continue my story "back home" This choice to return was epic for me. It felt like like a return to the Earth Plane for me. I had been living in the "blueprint", on a tier of heaven for the past year. I felt I was re-choosing my incarnation here in this personality construct. My family and friends were all still in the Bay Area, all the themes put in place of this designed experience. My returning felt like making the voyage from the spirit world to the physical.
Around the 20th or so of November 2013 I was in meditation when the bright blue Bashar triangle popped into my head. "We are asking that you call Darryl tomorrow, on the telephone. Follow your heart."
It was strong! So vivid. What? I thought, was That... I knew that Bashar Communications was having a session in the next few days in San Fransisco. I felt that I was in some way helping to "align energies" I followed the message and called him the next day. I sat my self at Manini Beach across from Kealakekau, close to the 19.47 line. I called Darryl, when he actually picked up, I was not so happy, shit.. I wasn't sure to what to say...
"I am calling you because a giant blue triangle came into my minds eye last night and asked me to call you."
He laughed, not at me, along with me. I was nervous talking to him, I think I talked about spinning on vortexes and jumping in and out of realities. I told him when I had my private session with him and Bashar in April of 2010, that Bashar had said Hawaii would be a likely place for me to have some sort of "sighting". I said I have had many experiences, but still have never seen a defined "ship" I said I know I am being monitored, and my energies gauged for "readiness of contact" I said, you never know, it would be cool if I could call you back in a few days and tell you I had in fact seen a craft. He was kind as always. He asked me to hold on as he was getting another call, he came back moments later "Sorry, it was just a telemarketer"
Then I felt, Sing. You must sing to him. Okay. I said I would like to sing you a song, it is a combination of languages. Some Hawaiian some ancient earth languages and maybe some "off world"
"Well, sure, he said."
Ah Mia Eh Nummo
Mahalo Gia
Aloha Ili
I felt that these words were helping a part of him, tune in, to be as clear as possible for the upcoming session, I also felt utterly ridiculous and unsure of what I was doing, but I heard "follow your heart"
I finished my song.
"Pretty" he simply responded. I thanked him for his time, wished him a lovely day and a nice time in San Fransisco. Alohas and we were off line.
The day of November 23rd he was in altered state in San Fransisco. I was swimming in Kealakeua. The dolphins were far off. I could hear their clicks and whistles, and that was more than enough for me. Not too far off the shallows, but into the deep blue, I came across a swirling black mass taking on a loose triangle shape. Woah... what is that??? I thought. Oooh, is this my "space ship" encounter??? Then I realized it was a Huge bate school. Wow. I knew what this can usually mean... but I didn't allow myself to think the s-word.. I watched the fish, thousands of them swirling together, black and shiny. This was "just a bait school" and it was also another lesson, another "Test" Then I got scared. I swam back to the shallows. To catch my breath. Don't be a chicken I told myself, the dolphins are out. It is not that deep our there. Go back. Watch the fractals dance. I swam back out and found the bait school again. It was Huge. I watched all the fish swirl and intertwine in their dance. All the fractals of creation. I began to sing
Ah Mia Eh Nummo
Mahalo Gia
Aloha Elli
Ah Mia Eh Nummo
Mahalo Gia
Aloha Elli
I sent love to the planet, thanking her for this experience.
Then I saw a body dive down behind the bate school... "Ooh a dolphin?" I thought. Then I heard
"You are disrupting the Feed"
And then I saw the body come to light, a shark. A Tiger shark, not huge, maybe 4-5 feet, but enough to scare me. I dove down to let him see me. He cruised by, maybe about six feet away from me. Again I heard, "you are disrupting the feed" I watched him swim away. And I took off back to the beach. I screamed at the Gates of Akua. "I am scared! I am a little girl!! I don't want to play this Hero game anymore!" Okay,yes I do. I told the heavens, but not out in the open ocean. Not alone. If I am supposed to "swim with the skarks" Lets do it on stage, okay? I want to make art, I want to sing, I want to tell these stories through music. The entertainment industry is the "grand arena" now. I will play my role there, that is why, spirits, I am going back to San Fransisco. I want to "swim with the sharks" in the play and the show. Put me on stage and try to eat me, have everyone watch the dreams breach the screens. I do not want to play this game out in the open ocean. I made it back to the beach, and felt like I had chickened out even still. Did I let my fear get the best of me? Could that shark just of wanted to be friends? Did I pass up on an interesting opportunity for interaction because I gave into fear? I saw that the dolphins, who just a moment ago been far out jumping and playing had gone. I put my head under the water, no sounds. I watched the horizon, no signs of the dolphins. It seemed they too, had given the shark his space and left the bay. I felt that I had made the "right" choice. I thought how in life, yes, we do have to "go with the flow" To surrender, and allow things to "come up". But also, if there is a shark in da wata, sometimes you best to leave da bugga and get out!
The next day I returned to Kealakeua bay. I only had a few days left on the Island and wanted to get in as much time in the ocean as possible. Plus, I had felt the dolphins in my dreams. "You did very well yesterday Gita San, today we can play. "
The dolphins were in close. In a socializing cycle. We swam out together far into the middle of the bay. There were other tourists and kayaks around, but I felt they made a special effort to "keep us hidden "
We danced and spiraled together. I sang them melodies I was working on, they clicked and whisteld in approval and helped me re-organize a few structures of the songs. They told me how important it was that I keep hold of these melodies, they had been specially "tuned". They had the ability to "infiltrate the mainstream" while holding the waves of Aloha. At one point they swam away, I was alone with my heart and their sounds. I told them, I accept. I truly accept my role. I am a GITA. A Galactic Intuition Transformation Agent. And, to me, that means,we need to grow as humans, alone first. With out the aid of our "ancestors" or our "children". I don't want to see any spaceships soon, I told them. I thought I did. But I don't. That is an "outdated technology" anyway, the dolphins laughed. I will be my own "alien", the "children" are already here. They are Human.
Then, a line of dolphins came at me. About 50 of them all in a straight line swam to me. Like a military procession. At "Attention" They swam straight at me, "Get in line Gita San, dive with us!" I turned to fit in between two dolphins. I was one with them. Turning to my right and left all I could see was dolphins. Dolphin after dolphin after dolphin, descending down into the depths together, here for service. I dove with them and felt my Nummo soul. This is were I "last came from" I am a dolphin soul. I heard the auntie I had talked to so many months ago as she strung her lei "We know what you are, you need to swim with those dolphins as much a possible. Dats why you are here"
"Keep swimming Gita San, relax, you can dive deeper with us, you are one of us" The dolphins said, I dove deeper in line with my pod. It felt so epic! I heard an intense movie soundtrack and felt like a galactic Ester Williams And then my heart jumped and I realized...
I am human. I am a human this "time" I can not go as deep, literally, as you can, my dolphin family. I sent my love to them as I slowly surrendered to the need for the surface. I laughed in my heart about what had just happened. I found the knowing once again, know that you don't know. Even after all my stories I still "Don't know" And I wouldn't want it any other way. At this realization, the dolphins whistled and blasted ultrasound laughs. I surfaced to the air, fist raised high to the sky. I laughed and laughed. Then, spoosh, woosh, spoosh, woosh, spoosh, woosh, three dolphins jumped out and spun over me in a perfect dance that might of even dazzled Busby Berkeley.
Then I heard an odd sound. It was a deep vibration, loud as it bounced of the cliff side and soft as it echoed in my hear. "Dive down Now!" I heard. I did so, and there just below me was a beautiful large manta ray, his black triangular body gliding slowly and gracefully across the ocean floor. It felt of, undoubtedly the Bashar energy. But the part of their energy that is connected to their true essence of unconditional love and integration. I felt a pat on the shoulder and heard "You are doing great, kiddo"
I responded with a "Thanks, Son" The feeling of simultaneously talking to my father and my son was very interesting, and felt "accurate" and balanced. If we follow the story already put in line by the Bashar information, they are technically our children, but we are "looking up to them" in a parental way. They do resonate at this archetype, but I realized so profoundly in that moment how important it is for us to find a way to relate to these beings as equals, or to even allow ourselves to take the upper hand, for we as humans, as the parents, have much to teach the rest of creation about the depths of experience, the experience of feeling.
I surfaced for breath and then returned under water. The manta ray was gone. Replaced by three dolphins. One female youth swam with two males. The first male was on her right and felt like a fatherly energy to her. The second male was on his right, he felt like a brotherly energy, a pier, and then the energy of a romantic suitor or even a "knight". All three dolphins swam together in a straight line. The young female had a rather large fish catching a ride on the right side of her body. She kinda wiggled, maybe trying to get it to swim away, but then if felt like she was adjusting to the weight of what she was carrying. I watched the dolphins, it felt more like a movie, with such defined aspects of character, than I had ever seen before.
"Would you like help getting that off of you?" The father dolphin asked the little female.
The younger male dolphin, as the suitor and the sought, was very curious for her reaction. Yes, he his a knight, but it seemed he really would rather not have to "come to the rescue" this time, for that is an outdated story. Yet, it was a rather big fish attached to her and he sent waves of compassion, but what she grabbed on to was the energetic spear also sent by him, the line cast out by an encouraging fellow warrior.
"You've been branded and you are brave." He sent to her
The little female swam along strong, the fish almost half her size clung to her body, "Nope, I don't need you to take if off of me. I got it! I got it! It's not as heavy as it looks. And he needs to get where we are going."
The two males laughed softly in smiles of pride. "We will always be right here though, know that. You will carry your weight, for you are strong, but you are never alone. It is a big boon to carry. But yes, you do, "you got it"
I watched the dolphins swim away and cried with appreciation for the gift they had just given me. I knew perfectly who each characters were in the scene they had just played for me. I understood all the subtext and symbolism. I cried with awe and appreciation for all they had given me on this truly epic swim. I returned back to the beach warm and full and fell asleep for many hours in the warmth of the Hawi'ian sun.
It became increasingly sad and difficult to watch the dolphins being "chased" or interacted with when trying to rest. They said to me "we are okay, Gita San, it is part of our agreement"
But, 20 years ago, the average pod size was 138 , it is now 22-28, and in some cases as low as 11-12. The dolphins are being harassed, being "loved to death" I would cry and weep for my friends as I learned the shocking details of how human interaction at inappropriate times was drastically effecting their health and well being.
"but they are dolphins..." some would say, "if they don't like it they can just swim away." No, they "Can't" and first of all, they should not have to. The dolphins come into these bays because they are protected, shallow waters where they can rest away from larger predators. I would see local white people who had been swimming with them for years, swim with them when they where trying to rest. I didn't say much to these people, it so deeply angered me. These people were dolphin junkies and they just needed their fix, it seemed to me they really didn't care about these beings, if they knew the truth behind what these types of interactions was doing, how could they? I tried in some cases to explain to them, how as "locals" we need to set examples. And it would be best if we could get some sort of systems in place to teach visitors about the appropriate ways for interaction. They would bat their eyes and say, oh we tried and tried to get more awareness out there, but what can you do?? Light and love and Aloha.. fuck you. 'I just saw you with them when they were sleeping! Just because "they know you" doesn't make it "right" " I could see deep divers eyes glaze over, in denial. How do you talk to an addict when they have been consumed by the drink? "You, know, I think that some people who are able to dive really deep, might just be only skimming the surface"
These inappropriate interactions pained me deeply as I drew parallels to our experiences currently and in the long ago past with the "other worldly" beings involvement on Earth. So above so below. Earth is in a rest mode, we came here to rest in our safe haven and we are being interacted with in ways, that I see as inappropriate. The contact is getting too close, for my preference. We collectively, as a pod need to share our perspectives and stories. We need time to feel, think and be discerning "alone" together. We need to swim in the depths of what it means to be human. We need to process and rest with all this information as we expand. It is a two way street, we are sending out calls for interactions and in some ways, like the dolphins, we are not. Yes, it is always, at the end of the day "in agreement" when we pull the camera back as far at it will go, these experiences are for the outcome of further learning and integration. But in this frame, in this now, the Will of the dolphins and of humanity is being breached.
They dolphins told me, "do not feel bad for us. live in love and joy, in the face of fear. Always. But, please, share our story. Share what we have shown you."
I had a dream one night where I was half in cold waters with bottle nose dolphins and half in warm waters, in Hawai'i with the Spinners. I was acting as a messenger, helping bring Aloha to the cold waters. I heard as I woke " the waters of your Home need your song now"
I went on line and checked out "dolphins San Fransisco Bay." Turns out there has been an escalation of dolphins and other porpoises returning to the waters of the bay, but the usually friendly mammals have been engaging in territorial fights. The dolphins are killing the other porpoises and in some cases killing their own young in mistake.
My heart had already been whispering me back to San Fransisco for several weeks at this point, a year had gone fast in Hawai'i and I felt it "time" to return. My lease was almost up on my apartment, and this dream was the final message I needed that it was time to continue my story "back home" This choice to return was epic for me. It felt like like a return to the Earth Plane for me. I had been living in the "blueprint", on a tier of heaven for the past year. I felt I was re-choosing my incarnation here in this personality construct. My family and friends were all still in the Bay Area, all the themes put in place of this designed experience. My returning felt like making the voyage from the spirit world to the physical.
Around the 20th or so of November 2013 I was in meditation when the bright blue Bashar triangle popped into my head. "We are asking that you call Darryl tomorrow, on the telephone. Follow your heart."
It was strong! So vivid. What? I thought, was That... I knew that Bashar Communications was having a session in the next few days in San Fransisco. I felt that I was in some way helping to "align energies" I followed the message and called him the next day. I sat my self at Manini Beach across from Kealakekau, close to the 19.47 line. I called Darryl, when he actually picked up, I was not so happy, shit.. I wasn't sure to what to say...
"I am calling you because a giant blue triangle came into my minds eye last night and asked me to call you."
He laughed, not at me, along with me. I was nervous talking to him, I think I talked about spinning on vortexes and jumping in and out of realities. I told him when I had my private session with him and Bashar in April of 2010, that Bashar had said Hawaii would be a likely place for me to have some sort of "sighting". I said I have had many experiences, but still have never seen a defined "ship" I said I know I am being monitored, and my energies gauged for "readiness of contact" I said, you never know, it would be cool if I could call you back in a few days and tell you I had in fact seen a craft. He was kind as always. He asked me to hold on as he was getting another call, he came back moments later "Sorry, it was just a telemarketer"
Then I felt, Sing. You must sing to him. Okay. I said I would like to sing you a song, it is a combination of languages. Some Hawaiian some ancient earth languages and maybe some "off world"
"Well, sure, he said."
Ah Mia Eh Nummo
Mahalo Gia
Aloha Ili
I felt that these words were helping a part of him, tune in, to be as clear as possible for the upcoming session, I also felt utterly ridiculous and unsure of what I was doing, but I heard "follow your heart"
I finished my song.
"Pretty" he simply responded. I thanked him for his time, wished him a lovely day and a nice time in San Fransisco. Alohas and we were off line.
The day of November 23rd he was in altered state in San Fransisco. I was swimming in Kealakeua. The dolphins were far off. I could hear their clicks and whistles, and that was more than enough for me. Not too far off the shallows, but into the deep blue, I came across a swirling black mass taking on a loose triangle shape. Woah... what is that??? I thought. Oooh, is this my "space ship" encounter??? Then I realized it was a Huge bate school. Wow. I knew what this can usually mean... but I didn't allow myself to think the s-word.. I watched the fish, thousands of them swirling together, black and shiny. This was "just a bait school" and it was also another lesson, another "Test" Then I got scared. I swam back to the shallows. To catch my breath. Don't be a chicken I told myself, the dolphins are out. It is not that deep our there. Go back. Watch the fractals dance. I swam back out and found the bait school again. It was Huge. I watched all the fish swirl and intertwine in their dance. All the fractals of creation. I began to sing
Ah Mia Eh Nummo
Mahalo Gia
Aloha Elli
Ah Mia Eh Nummo
Mahalo Gia
Aloha Elli
I sent love to the planet, thanking her for this experience.
Then I saw a body dive down behind the bate school... "Ooh a dolphin?" I thought. Then I heard
"You are disrupting the Feed"
And then I saw the body come to light, a shark. A Tiger shark, not huge, maybe 4-5 feet, but enough to scare me. I dove down to let him see me. He cruised by, maybe about six feet away from me. Again I heard, "you are disrupting the feed" I watched him swim away. And I took off back to the beach. I screamed at the Gates of Akua. "I am scared! I am a little girl!! I don't want to play this Hero game anymore!" Okay,yes I do. I told the heavens, but not out in the open ocean. Not alone. If I am supposed to "swim with the skarks" Lets do it on stage, okay? I want to make art, I want to sing, I want to tell these stories through music. The entertainment industry is the "grand arena" now. I will play my role there, that is why, spirits, I am going back to San Fransisco. I want to "swim with the sharks" in the play and the show. Put me on stage and try to eat me, have everyone watch the dreams breach the screens. I do not want to play this game out in the open ocean. I made it back to the beach, and felt like I had chickened out even still. Did I let my fear get the best of me? Could that shark just of wanted to be friends? Did I pass up on an interesting opportunity for interaction because I gave into fear? I saw that the dolphins, who just a moment ago been far out jumping and playing had gone. I put my head under the water, no sounds. I watched the horizon, no signs of the dolphins. It seemed they too, had given the shark his space and left the bay. I felt that I had made the "right" choice. I thought how in life, yes, we do have to "go with the flow" To surrender, and allow things to "come up". But also, if there is a shark in da wata, sometimes you best to leave da bugga and get out!
The next day I returned to Kealakeua bay. I only had a few days left on the Island and wanted to get in as much time in the ocean as possible. Plus, I had felt the dolphins in my dreams. "You did very well yesterday Gita San, today we can play. "
The dolphins were in close. In a socializing cycle. We swam out together far into the middle of the bay. There were other tourists and kayaks around, but I felt they made a special effort to "keep us hidden "
We danced and spiraled together. I sang them melodies I was working on, they clicked and whisteld in approval and helped me re-organize a few structures of the songs. They told me how important it was that I keep hold of these melodies, they had been specially "tuned". They had the ability to "infiltrate the mainstream" while holding the waves of Aloha. At one point they swam away, I was alone with my heart and their sounds. I told them, I accept. I truly accept my role. I am a GITA. A Galactic Intuition Transformation Agent. And, to me, that means,we need to grow as humans, alone first. With out the aid of our "ancestors" or our "children". I don't want to see any spaceships soon, I told them. I thought I did. But I don't. That is an "outdated technology" anyway, the dolphins laughed. I will be my own "alien", the "children" are already here. They are Human.
Then, a line of dolphins came at me. About 50 of them all in a straight line swam to me. Like a military procession. At "Attention" They swam straight at me, "Get in line Gita San, dive with us!" I turned to fit in between two dolphins. I was one with them. Turning to my right and left all I could see was dolphins. Dolphin after dolphin after dolphin, descending down into the depths together, here for service. I dove with them and felt my Nummo soul. This is were I "last came from" I am a dolphin soul. I heard the auntie I had talked to so many months ago as she strung her lei "We know what you are, you need to swim with those dolphins as much a possible. Dats why you are here"
"Keep swimming Gita San, relax, you can dive deeper with us, you are one of us" The dolphins said, I dove deeper in line with my pod. It felt so epic! I heard an intense movie soundtrack and felt like a galactic Ester Williams And then my heart jumped and I realized...
I am human. I am a human this "time" I can not go as deep, literally, as you can, my dolphin family. I sent my love to them as I slowly surrendered to the need for the surface. I laughed in my heart about what had just happened. I found the knowing once again, know that you don't know. Even after all my stories I still "Don't know" And I wouldn't want it any other way. At this realization, the dolphins whistled and blasted ultrasound laughs. I surfaced to the air, fist raised high to the sky. I laughed and laughed. Then, spoosh, woosh, spoosh, woosh, spoosh, woosh, three dolphins jumped out and spun over me in a perfect dance that might of even dazzled Busby Berkeley.
Then I heard an odd sound. It was a deep vibration, loud as it bounced of the cliff side and soft as it echoed in my hear. "Dive down Now!" I heard. I did so, and there just below me was a beautiful large manta ray, his black triangular body gliding slowly and gracefully across the ocean floor. It felt of, undoubtedly the Bashar energy. But the part of their energy that is connected to their true essence of unconditional love and integration. I felt a pat on the shoulder and heard "You are doing great, kiddo"
I responded with a "Thanks, Son" The feeling of simultaneously talking to my father and my son was very interesting, and felt "accurate" and balanced. If we follow the story already put in line by the Bashar information, they are technically our children, but we are "looking up to them" in a parental way. They do resonate at this archetype, but I realized so profoundly in that moment how important it is for us to find a way to relate to these beings as equals, or to even allow ourselves to take the upper hand, for we as humans, as the parents, have much to teach the rest of creation about the depths of experience, the experience of feeling.
I surfaced for breath and then returned under water. The manta ray was gone. Replaced by three dolphins. One female youth swam with two males. The first male was on her right and felt like a fatherly energy to her. The second male was on his right, he felt like a brotherly energy, a pier, and then the energy of a romantic suitor or even a "knight". All three dolphins swam together in a straight line. The young female had a rather large fish catching a ride on the right side of her body. She kinda wiggled, maybe trying to get it to swim away, but then if felt like she was adjusting to the weight of what she was carrying. I watched the dolphins, it felt more like a movie, with such defined aspects of character, than I had ever seen before.
"Would you like help getting that off of you?" The father dolphin asked the little female.
The younger male dolphin, as the suitor and the sought, was very curious for her reaction. Yes, he his a knight, but it seemed he really would rather not have to "come to the rescue" this time, for that is an outdated story. Yet, it was a rather big fish attached to her and he sent waves of compassion, but what she grabbed on to was the energetic spear also sent by him, the line cast out by an encouraging fellow warrior.
"You've been branded and you are brave." He sent to her
The little female swam along strong, the fish almost half her size clung to her body, "Nope, I don't need you to take if off of me. I got it! I got it! It's not as heavy as it looks. And he needs to get where we are going."
The two males laughed softly in smiles of pride. "We will always be right here though, know that. You will carry your weight, for you are strong, but you are never alone. It is a big boon to carry. But yes, you do, "you got it"
I watched the dolphins swim away and cried with appreciation for the gift they had just given me. I knew perfectly who each characters were in the scene they had just played for me. I understood all the subtext and symbolism. I cried with awe and appreciation for all they had given me on this truly epic swim. I returned back to the beach warm and full and fell asleep for many hours in the warmth of the Hawi'ian sun.
My friend Jen had gotten a job at the Physic Eye bookshop in Sherman Oaks, she was working as a "full time physic" there. That night I called the bookstore and asked for a reading from Jen. It was great fun to surprise her and to get a "professional" reading from one of my dearest friends. She gave me great information about a variety of topics and then I asked her, okay, call up the "ET Guides" Put your blue triangle hat on a see what you get.
"Okay, one moment...one moment... one moment....." She played, putting on her "Bashar Voice" Oh, wow, they are telling me there is one last piece of information you need to help put some pieces together before you leave. It is a big reason as to why you have been on Hawai'i for this time, but it was best for you not to have know about it until now.. wait..woah, slow down guys, i don't know that word..mono..mono..atomic...gold..." she sounded out. "Monoatomic gold. That is one of the main reasons why you have been on this part of the world, was the exposure the high concentration of monoatomic gold. I don't know what that is, do you?" She asked me.
"Nope, I've got no idea, we will have to look it up. They usually do give out plenty of "homework." I said to Jen. As we concluded the session Jen said, make sure you swim tomorrow, the dolphins have one more gift for you, one more sign" she said.
Thank you Jen, I Will.
Monoatomic Gold has a rich history on our planet. It occurs, today, in the highest concentrations in the sea water around the Hawiian Islands. It is said to have to be "chemically extracted" to have it's true potency. It is said to activate psychic awareness, to bring about boosted health and longevity. As well as balance both hemispheres of the brain. It seems to be one of the main ideas that attracted the Annunaki Empire to Earth, as this substance may only occur on our planet. Right on the 19.47 degree line. X marks the spot. Burried Treasure. It seems likely that the Arch of the Covenant contains monoatomic gold and the secrets of the Annunaki blood line. The ancient tales of eating cakes made out of white powder, carrying vessels across lands with contents that could way a heavy as a ton or as light as a feather at any given moment seem to point to the modern scientific findings about monoatomic gold. I am still doing my research about this extensive topic. I do believe my self, that I have been "activated" by this substance. That it does not need to be chemically extracted from the water to benefit from it. My psychic awareness and health greatly improved while in hawaii, I did in fact start to "age younger" And my logical thinking began to come into great balance with my creativity and imagination. This could be just due to the energies of the island, or many other "explanations" but I spent most of my time in the water, hundreds of hours. I never washed the salt water off of me after I got out of the water, mot people do. The salt will start to dry out their skin, making a white powdery dust. The water never did this on my skin. My intuition and my body told me that I needed to soak in all the minerals in the water. My body always "Ate" up any last bit of salt or other residue from the water. I felt like every molecule in my body was "eating" and storing information from the sea. It was, just the idea of all the energy that is stored in water is powerful enough, even with out the introduction of the monoatomic gold. I do feel that my ignorance of this substance made it so my body really could soak up all the positive benefits. Because I was completly unaware of the substance in the water I stayed in deep love and appreciation for just being in the water, never "taking" her gold. After reading about the history of monoatomic gold I noticed the "dark alien genes" in me become hungry for the substance. This feeling was routed in ancient ,ancient energies. A hunger. A lust for the white powered dust. In my immersions with the monoatomic gold I was in a pure state, in true love for the water, so then the monoatomic gold was able to use it's own Will, which it very much has, to decide what it wanted to soak into me. The introduction to monoatomic gold gave another plot line that started to connect more of the dots of the greater story.
I only had one swim left before my flight. One swim with an awareness of what I was diving into. I decided to go to Honanunau. I got there kind of "late" but they where in a calm socializing mode, almost time to bed down. I felt like they had been waiting for me. I put my self far out in the bay, as I always waited for them to come over to me. I dove and swam for fun and love, saying goodbye and Aloha to the water. A female dolphin came over, I had interacted with this particular one many times. She came over, circled around me. We danced and I cried. We always danced very close together, but this day, she sent to me, we can touch if you like. I was shown images of our bodies rubbing together. Touch is one of the main ways that the dolphins communicate with each other. Even after all of my time spent with the dolphins, I had never touched them. I was curious to know what they felt like, but I told her, no. I think that would just hurt even more to say goodbye. Like leaving an almost lover, it can be easier if you never know how soft and sweet they feel. She understood. She took me over to this long metal post that is attached to the bay floor, it functions as an anchor for boats. I new that then, but months before I had no idea what it was. I was out far when I came across this object in the water. What was this??? All I could make out was a round circular object in the water. It looked metal. I heard the dolphins clicks.
"Go for it. Dive down. See what it is"
This could be anything... I was scared. I dove down anyways.. heart pumping I couldn't get quite deep enough to figure out what it was. I surfaced for breath. The air turned kind of grey. I was scared, but too curious. I dove deep again, almost able to make out what it was, but the object was just out of my rage of depth, the pressure on my face was great. I cleared my ears and tried to push deeper. The dolphins clicked and whistled. Encouraging me. The object came closer and seemed so "alien" I was scared. My energy started to make the scene even more, eerie..what could this be?? The pressure hurt. I had to surface. One more time, I had to try one more time. I descended down and this time I was able to see it, a long metal pole that extended down from the circle. Ohh, it's just an anchor. The dolphins whistled. I was proud of myself though, I had pushed past my fear and my own limitations to come to learn what this object was. A symbol in the sea that was as "alien" as anything else man made and it was just an anchor.
The last swim, back at Honaunau, my counter part dolphin swam deep in circles around the anchor as she reminded me of that first swim when I found it. She reminded me of all the work and lessons I had done with them.
"You have done so well Gita San, we are so proud of you. We will always be with you. Always. Give'm Hell, kiddo. And, if they follow you too close, or don't listen to your Will...."
Often, when the dolphins are being chased or followed very closely by excited humans, they will chose to relieve themselves. Creating a stream of feces for the humans to swim through if they chose to still follow them.
"Well, then let them eat shit." She sent as she whistled a wink and swam away. I laughed and cried. But more so laughed. Then I swam to swim. I soaked in all the mother had to offer to me. As a came upon a coral shelf there was a black shadow swirling. I didn't know what it was. I was scared for a moment, a dozen possibilities swirled in the shadow. Then I remembered "Live, Laugh, Love, in spite of, in the face of fear" Then suddenly out of the shadow darted a female dolphin and her young calf they swam fast by me and startled me, but in the way that ignites you, makes you jump for joy. The good scare. I laughed hard.
"Remember this Gita San as you dive deeper into the shadow of the unknown" the mother and baby sent to me," just because you don't know what something Is, don't Assume it is going to be bad or scary. Continue to question, but don't first assume the worst. Find the love for the shadow."
And then they circled back around with the 8-10 more members of the pod. They all circled around me and we had a dance. We moved out to a part of the bay that I had swam over dozens of times before. The dolphins swam down, to a depth that I was comfortable, but they told me, "No, stay up here, watch"
They circled round the floor, around a specific area and then revealed it's self a sign. An ALOHA made out of cement and other stones. There is another ALOHA sign in the bay, one that I had seen many, many, many times. This one, I had heard, "there is a second Aloha sign in the bay, actually closer in than the 'big one'", But I had never seen it. My mind flashed to what Jen had told me the night before
"make sure you swim tomorrow, the dolphins have one more gift for you, one more sign" Well done Jen.
"We have, in a sense, been shielding this from you, for this very moment of the "Reveal" the dolphins sent me...
"But I have been shielding it from myself. I start to drown in the shadow, in the fear. I forget Aloha. If I can't see it in me, I wont see any of the signs out side of me." I sent to the dolphins. More clicks and whistles.
"We are so proud of you, Gita San. We love you" They swam back up to me, one final spiral of dolphin dancing for that trip anyway. And then they were off swimming south, I heard their clicks and whistles fade out. You really did wait here for me today?? I sent to them
A far off jump and spin out of the water. "Yes, Yes we did"
I then went to Kealakekua Bay. One of the young bruddas dow there came up to me, excited. "Geets! They are here. The whales came into day! Early. They are here to say Aloha."
I went to the rock beach. The water was the clearest I had ever seen it. I was tired from my swim with the dolphins. And, I had no snorkel mask with me. My mask had broke a few days prior and I had borrowed one for the swim at Honaunau, I knew that I could borrow one to go out to meet the whales. But I had not yet met them yet, but I was just so content with what the dolphins and I had just shared. I didn't need "more". I didn't need to see the whale, or even hear it to talk to it and share love.
I got into the crystal clear waters, just in the shallows and played and danced. I sang my songs and melodies to the Gates of the Gods, to the dolphins and the whale. I laid and floated on the waters to talk to the whale. My heart opened up. Wide. I knew it was female. Only the males sing.
"Thank you for singing for us. For all of us." she sent to me. A low, deep, heavy energy of the mother.
I swam with her energy for a little while longer. No fins, no mask, just me.
I got of the water, and walked up the rock beach to the wooden pick-nick table were I had left my things. There sat 3 young local boys, my age, smiling enjoying the day.
"Howzit Hawai'an?" I said to them. They laughed.
"So good sista, so good, hey yo, what's that on the back your neck?" asked one boy referring to my tattoo of a triangle with a spiral in the middle.
"It is a symbol that has many meanings" I said to him. "Today, it is the swirling together of mind, body, and spirit"
"Ah, you can't lie to me! I know what dat is!" Cause I am reading this! He pulls out a Zecharia Sitchin book and I cant help but laugh, young Hawai'ian continues, "That is a vortex on back your neck! That is This vortex, I think, Welcome Home Sista"
"Thank you. I've been here almost two years altogether and today is actually my last full day. It's time for me to go back to the mainland, to spread the Aloha."
"We got to do that, keep it moving. But, you know what you are now, and you will come back, know that."
"What am I?"
"You are kama'aina. Child of the land. Always. Sista, kama'aina. "
"Thank you, brother. Thank you. Ah-Lo-Ha"
"Ah-Lo-Ha" he repeated, a deep honest timber resonating all the deep meaning in each syllable, a sound that echoed of the Gates of the Gods.
I went back to my beautiful studio and packed up the rest of my things, cleaned the space and prepared myself to leave the next day.
The next morning, waking up very early, I felt the Island supper charging me with energy. We were exchanging love and and cellular stories. I felt such an equal exchange from her, deep love as she gave me her Mahalo
Ma - I see you and recognize you as an aspect of myself.
Ha - through the divine breath
Lo- are we rooted and connected, through the center of the universe.
The Kona airport is small and still very old fashioned. There is no gate, you walk right out on the tarmac, up the stairs, and on to the plane. Amazing. I don't even remember the time I left the Islands in June of 2012, probably because somewhere in me I knew I would be back very shortly. In late November of 2013, I remember every detailed. Before I stepped foot on the stairs, I knelled on the ground, sure it was concrete, but it was still Her ground. I sang a few tones of my melody and kissed the ground. Hot warm tears streamed down my face.
Aloha, My Dear Hawai'i
Mahalo Hawai'i, Mahalo
A hui hou
"Okay, one moment...one moment... one moment....." She played, putting on her "Bashar Voice" Oh, wow, they are telling me there is one last piece of information you need to help put some pieces together before you leave. It is a big reason as to why you have been on Hawai'i for this time, but it was best for you not to have know about it until now.. wait..woah, slow down guys, i don't know that word..mono..mono..atomic...gold..." she sounded out. "Monoatomic gold. That is one of the main reasons why you have been on this part of the world, was the exposure the high concentration of monoatomic gold. I don't know what that is, do you?" She asked me.
"Nope, I've got no idea, we will have to look it up. They usually do give out plenty of "homework." I said to Jen. As we concluded the session Jen said, make sure you swim tomorrow, the dolphins have one more gift for you, one more sign" she said.
Thank you Jen, I Will.
Monoatomic Gold has a rich history on our planet. It occurs, today, in the highest concentrations in the sea water around the Hawiian Islands. It is said to have to be "chemically extracted" to have it's true potency. It is said to activate psychic awareness, to bring about boosted health and longevity. As well as balance both hemispheres of the brain. It seems to be one of the main ideas that attracted the Annunaki Empire to Earth, as this substance may only occur on our planet. Right on the 19.47 degree line. X marks the spot. Burried Treasure. It seems likely that the Arch of the Covenant contains monoatomic gold and the secrets of the Annunaki blood line. The ancient tales of eating cakes made out of white powder, carrying vessels across lands with contents that could way a heavy as a ton or as light as a feather at any given moment seem to point to the modern scientific findings about monoatomic gold. I am still doing my research about this extensive topic. I do believe my self, that I have been "activated" by this substance. That it does not need to be chemically extracted from the water to benefit from it. My psychic awareness and health greatly improved while in hawaii, I did in fact start to "age younger" And my logical thinking began to come into great balance with my creativity and imagination. This could be just due to the energies of the island, or many other "explanations" but I spent most of my time in the water, hundreds of hours. I never washed the salt water off of me after I got out of the water, mot people do. The salt will start to dry out their skin, making a white powdery dust. The water never did this on my skin. My intuition and my body told me that I needed to soak in all the minerals in the water. My body always "Ate" up any last bit of salt or other residue from the water. I felt like every molecule in my body was "eating" and storing information from the sea. It was, just the idea of all the energy that is stored in water is powerful enough, even with out the introduction of the monoatomic gold. I do feel that my ignorance of this substance made it so my body really could soak up all the positive benefits. Because I was completly unaware of the substance in the water I stayed in deep love and appreciation for just being in the water, never "taking" her gold. After reading about the history of monoatomic gold I noticed the "dark alien genes" in me become hungry for the substance. This feeling was routed in ancient ,ancient energies. A hunger. A lust for the white powered dust. In my immersions with the monoatomic gold I was in a pure state, in true love for the water, so then the monoatomic gold was able to use it's own Will, which it very much has, to decide what it wanted to soak into me. The introduction to monoatomic gold gave another plot line that started to connect more of the dots of the greater story.
I only had one swim left before my flight. One swim with an awareness of what I was diving into. I decided to go to Honanunau. I got there kind of "late" but they where in a calm socializing mode, almost time to bed down. I felt like they had been waiting for me. I put my self far out in the bay, as I always waited for them to come over to me. I dove and swam for fun and love, saying goodbye and Aloha to the water. A female dolphin came over, I had interacted with this particular one many times. She came over, circled around me. We danced and I cried. We always danced very close together, but this day, she sent to me, we can touch if you like. I was shown images of our bodies rubbing together. Touch is one of the main ways that the dolphins communicate with each other. Even after all of my time spent with the dolphins, I had never touched them. I was curious to know what they felt like, but I told her, no. I think that would just hurt even more to say goodbye. Like leaving an almost lover, it can be easier if you never know how soft and sweet they feel. She understood. She took me over to this long metal post that is attached to the bay floor, it functions as an anchor for boats. I new that then, but months before I had no idea what it was. I was out far when I came across this object in the water. What was this??? All I could make out was a round circular object in the water. It looked metal. I heard the dolphins clicks.
"Go for it. Dive down. See what it is"
This could be anything... I was scared. I dove down anyways.. heart pumping I couldn't get quite deep enough to figure out what it was. I surfaced for breath. The air turned kind of grey. I was scared, but too curious. I dove deep again, almost able to make out what it was, but the object was just out of my rage of depth, the pressure on my face was great. I cleared my ears and tried to push deeper. The dolphins clicked and whistled. Encouraging me. The object came closer and seemed so "alien" I was scared. My energy started to make the scene even more, eerie..what could this be?? The pressure hurt. I had to surface. One more time, I had to try one more time. I descended down and this time I was able to see it, a long metal pole that extended down from the circle. Ohh, it's just an anchor. The dolphins whistled. I was proud of myself though, I had pushed past my fear and my own limitations to come to learn what this object was. A symbol in the sea that was as "alien" as anything else man made and it was just an anchor.
The last swim, back at Honaunau, my counter part dolphin swam deep in circles around the anchor as she reminded me of that first swim when I found it. She reminded me of all the work and lessons I had done with them.
"You have done so well Gita San, we are so proud of you. We will always be with you. Always. Give'm Hell, kiddo. And, if they follow you too close, or don't listen to your Will...."
Often, when the dolphins are being chased or followed very closely by excited humans, they will chose to relieve themselves. Creating a stream of feces for the humans to swim through if they chose to still follow them.
"Well, then let them eat shit." She sent as she whistled a wink and swam away. I laughed and cried. But more so laughed. Then I swam to swim. I soaked in all the mother had to offer to me. As a came upon a coral shelf there was a black shadow swirling. I didn't know what it was. I was scared for a moment, a dozen possibilities swirled in the shadow. Then I remembered "Live, Laugh, Love, in spite of, in the face of fear" Then suddenly out of the shadow darted a female dolphin and her young calf they swam fast by me and startled me, but in the way that ignites you, makes you jump for joy. The good scare. I laughed hard.
"Remember this Gita San as you dive deeper into the shadow of the unknown" the mother and baby sent to me," just because you don't know what something Is, don't Assume it is going to be bad or scary. Continue to question, but don't first assume the worst. Find the love for the shadow."
And then they circled back around with the 8-10 more members of the pod. They all circled around me and we had a dance. We moved out to a part of the bay that I had swam over dozens of times before. The dolphins swam down, to a depth that I was comfortable, but they told me, "No, stay up here, watch"
They circled round the floor, around a specific area and then revealed it's self a sign. An ALOHA made out of cement and other stones. There is another ALOHA sign in the bay, one that I had seen many, many, many times. This one, I had heard, "there is a second Aloha sign in the bay, actually closer in than the 'big one'", But I had never seen it. My mind flashed to what Jen had told me the night before
"make sure you swim tomorrow, the dolphins have one more gift for you, one more sign" Well done Jen.
"We have, in a sense, been shielding this from you, for this very moment of the "Reveal" the dolphins sent me...
"But I have been shielding it from myself. I start to drown in the shadow, in the fear. I forget Aloha. If I can't see it in me, I wont see any of the signs out side of me." I sent to the dolphins. More clicks and whistles.
"We are so proud of you, Gita San. We love you" They swam back up to me, one final spiral of dolphin dancing for that trip anyway. And then they were off swimming south, I heard their clicks and whistles fade out. You really did wait here for me today?? I sent to them
A far off jump and spin out of the water. "Yes, Yes we did"
I then went to Kealakekua Bay. One of the young bruddas dow there came up to me, excited. "Geets! They are here. The whales came into day! Early. They are here to say Aloha."
I went to the rock beach. The water was the clearest I had ever seen it. I was tired from my swim with the dolphins. And, I had no snorkel mask with me. My mask had broke a few days prior and I had borrowed one for the swim at Honaunau, I knew that I could borrow one to go out to meet the whales. But I had not yet met them yet, but I was just so content with what the dolphins and I had just shared. I didn't need "more". I didn't need to see the whale, or even hear it to talk to it and share love.
I got into the crystal clear waters, just in the shallows and played and danced. I sang my songs and melodies to the Gates of the Gods, to the dolphins and the whale. I laid and floated on the waters to talk to the whale. My heart opened up. Wide. I knew it was female. Only the males sing.
"Thank you for singing for us. For all of us." she sent to me. A low, deep, heavy energy of the mother.
I swam with her energy for a little while longer. No fins, no mask, just me.
I got of the water, and walked up the rock beach to the wooden pick-nick table were I had left my things. There sat 3 young local boys, my age, smiling enjoying the day.
"Howzit Hawai'an?" I said to them. They laughed.
"So good sista, so good, hey yo, what's that on the back your neck?" asked one boy referring to my tattoo of a triangle with a spiral in the middle.
"It is a symbol that has many meanings" I said to him. "Today, it is the swirling together of mind, body, and spirit"
"Ah, you can't lie to me! I know what dat is!" Cause I am reading this! He pulls out a Zecharia Sitchin book and I cant help but laugh, young Hawai'ian continues, "That is a vortex on back your neck! That is This vortex, I think, Welcome Home Sista"
"Thank you. I've been here almost two years altogether and today is actually my last full day. It's time for me to go back to the mainland, to spread the Aloha."
"We got to do that, keep it moving. But, you know what you are now, and you will come back, know that."
"What am I?"
"You are kama'aina. Child of the land. Always. Sista, kama'aina. "
"Thank you, brother. Thank you. Ah-Lo-Ha"
"Ah-Lo-Ha" he repeated, a deep honest timber resonating all the deep meaning in each syllable, a sound that echoed of the Gates of the Gods.
I went back to my beautiful studio and packed up the rest of my things, cleaned the space and prepared myself to leave the next day.
The next morning, waking up very early, I felt the Island supper charging me with energy. We were exchanging love and and cellular stories. I felt such an equal exchange from her, deep love as she gave me her Mahalo
Ma - I see you and recognize you as an aspect of myself.
Ha - through the divine breath
Lo- are we rooted and connected, through the center of the universe.
The Kona airport is small and still very old fashioned. There is no gate, you walk right out on the tarmac, up the stairs, and on to the plane. Amazing. I don't even remember the time I left the Islands in June of 2012, probably because somewhere in me I knew I would be back very shortly. In late November of 2013, I remember every detailed. Before I stepped foot on the stairs, I knelled on the ground, sure it was concrete, but it was still Her ground. I sang a few tones of my melody and kissed the ground. Hot warm tears streamed down my face.
Aloha, My Dear Hawai'i
Mahalo Hawai'i, Mahalo
A hui hou
Hi Gita! take it or leave it, I'd like to invite you to chat with us on google hangouts. I'm part of a global group of channelers who are practicing our abilities together and exploring ourselves. The more well known of the group are Ivan teller and jim from hucolo. The invite is open.
ReplyDeleteHi my name is Benjamin. I am one of three of the world's best quantum physicist. I have helped create and develop and invent jumper technology. With two of the world's best quantum physicist from NASA. Along with anti gravitational propulsion technology. These things are no longer being kept secret and are slowly admitting themselves to the public. I would like to speak with you. If you're interested please respond to resonantenhancement@gmail.com