I come in Piece
Part Five
Marin County - November 2013 - Present
That night I felt drawn to watch a Bashar video, I hadn't done so in several months, I was definitely getting my own information from them and didn't need the snacks or "doggy treats". The first one on the scroll was "what Bashar would do if he had one day on Earth" I heard. That one. Easy. First One.
Okay. Whatever, dudes. I watched the video. He first goes into his response regarding what he would do with one day on Earth, and then April asks him if there are beings on their planet that are like the dolphins. Bashar says there is a type of being on their world called the "Ezeeza" They are not like the dolphins in any way shape or form. More so a cross between a whale and a manta ray, they are zebra like in color and pattern. He tells the way their life's cycle.
"The idea of the black, which absorbs the energy of the sun directly into the body of the being. And thus, then, when they have absorbed energy, at the end of their life cycle their bodies will sink to the bottom. And the black areas, having absorbed that energy and stored a certain amount of it, will thus, then, extrude little polyps that will eventually break off of the body and become new 'Ezeeza'. And they will thus, then, in growing, go back to the surface to absorb the sunlight and begin their life cycle. ......... Remember, they are only absorbing energy. The idea however, is that the being that would be considered the paternal being, the paternal "Ezeeza", for lack of a better term, at the moment, will guide them into staying in certain levels of the ocean until such time when they have developed enough to rise to the surface to be capable of absorbing the energy of the sun. Because, they can not do that right away. Should one float to the surface too quickly, it will die. "
Oh my. Interesting. I wrote an email to Darryl that night.
I expressed gratitude for our share over the phone the other day while I was still in Hawai'i. I then told him about my interaction with the shark while he was in the altered state in San Fransisco.
"You are disrupting the feed"
And the interaction with the manta ray the following day. Calm and loving as it gliding across the ocean floor, so connected to the Bashar heart energy.
"You are doing great, kiddo"
"Thanks son"
I told him of the dream I had that morning with the "zeebra marble" breathing alive in the sea. And how I had come across the "Ezeeza" information.
"Also sharing my stories with you, because, like always I feel it appropriate.
I have relocated back to the mainland. Bay Area. I would like to maybe come down to your neck of the woods and have a session with you and Mr. B...but I am very much getting my own information and not sure if that is necessary right now. I will be honest and tell you, there is an energy, a story line that I cant seem to shake the past year or so, That our souls, YOU and I.. CYBO and BASHAR...or whatever.. are in a way "arch nemesis" but it is all story and ARCH TYPE and the souls have found their way to work together in the great play for the ultimate transformation and integration. But there is an uncertainty still that I have. That I am swimming with sharks and disrupting a feed... I need to calm these feelings before interacting with you/Bashar in person. however it may help, as at the end of the day I know. I know. there is always love between us. Just for some reason, they have shown me other sides of the coin. At times, I have felt that you may know more about my role in all of this then you have told me. Or maybe that is just my desire to have some moment of reveal from the "magical aid" before entering into the" belly of the whale.. "
I know you are busy, so quick and easy, how do you spell "ESSIZA"? I like to check the etymology of the words chosen by Bashar, it always leads to interesting information. I will get what I need from there.
my role may be in this saga, I am thankful for it. Humbled by its
scope. It is a greater story than my dreamy 8 year old could ever have
And I am very thankful for your support through the years as well. Very thankful.....
Happy Thanksgiving...
Gita (Marjorie) Rose"He responded simply..
"Hi Gita,
It's spelled ASEEZA.
Happy Holidays! "
But it was the first time he had called me Gita, rather than my brith name, Marjorie. That to me was more important and profound than anything else he could have said.
I checked the etymology and shared my findings with him
Hello Darryl,
Getting back to you with my findings on the etymology of Aseeza.
In some stories, Orion is known as the hunter and his dog is Sirius. I think it is important to note here the stories of the Nummo, the beings from Sirius, that are talked about by the Dogon tribe also from regions of West Africa.
In Indian/ Hindu languages it is spelled, ASEEZA, and has the same " pure, precious, powerful, magnificent, holy, new one, dear one" meaning, again no mention of the magical race.
I got no response, but was not needing or expecting one.
The past few months back in the Bay Area have flown by. It was my intention to focus here on my aspirations of music. It is the most intriguing and fulfilling way I have found to express myself and these concepts that I am interested in, but in a way were it is always, art, entertainment and presenting a story, allowing others to find their own meanings.
I went to work at a cafe in early December, got a car, and received an opportunity to house sit a friend's cottage in a beautiful little neighborhood. So grateful. I am very much wanting to function here as a "normal" human, but we are redefining what "normal" is. I want to be an "adult" I want to be able to take care of myself, to work a job that doesn't suck my soul, pay my bills and have time to have fun and work on my aspirations. I know that we are existing in a system that is "broken" it has been in a sense, rigged to fail. I know that our currency is fraudulent, as well as the insurance I have to pay on my car, as I am not engaging in commerce as I am driving, I am on my own roads that I have paid for with my taxes. Maybe I am a bit of a hypocrite, but I am okay with paying for these "illegal necessities" for the time being, anyway. I see it as an exploration in "being human". What things am I continuing to believe that are in truth "against the law" of my soul?
I currently want, more than anything to be able to function in this reality. I want to have fun playing the game. I know that it is "no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society" but I feel it is possible.
After returning for the Islands I was great for several weeks. Had a fine time at my little cafe job, got back into a serious yoga practice and reconnected with friends and family. But the harshness of this reality began to take over my new found perspectives of understanding and peace. The weather is harsh, the air, desperately dry, California in a severe drought and all the while I am serving lattes to people who ask me "Isn't it a beautiful day? I really hope it doesn't rain. I want to go on a hike" What??? Am I in the Twilight Zone?? Yes, Gita San, yes you are.
I have been able to stay rootted to my new found connection with the mother earth. The animals here, the birds and deer in particular have helped me greatly, acting as messengers to make sure I remember all the teachings of the dolphins.
I found a new relationship with the internet. The Inner Face. The Web. A new relationship that has been great fun. My fist step out was to post my desire for finding band mates, or people to connect with to collaborate on music. Through Craigslist I found the perfect teacher and collaborator for the now. We will call him The Gift. He is another example for me of "the mirrors getting closer" A great friend and teacher. The harmonizing of synchronicity and connections is currently proving epic. All the notes falling into the right places, the full story of The Gift will be best saved for another time, but it is beyond, so beyond any expectations I had when posting a simple add on Craigslist.
Then I had a dream, I was in a long white stark hallway and all my friends were disappearing through the walls. The next day when checking Facebook I saw that my mother, who mainly uses Facebook for her publicity business, was asking her friends to please like or comment her posts more, so she could get more time on the feed, otherwise her posts will "disappear" from their walls. I took this and the dream very seriously, as I tend to take everything. I realized that I have been very distant on social media, I was just watching it...observing the state of people's consciousness, because I found it fascinating but I wasn't necessarily participating. And my friends, at this point, were all people I personally knew. Why was I holding back? Fear. Always, the answer is fear of some sort. I went on a liking spree. To ensure that my friends didn't fall into other realities essentially. I realized how far we can choose to push external tools to help us expand spiritually, even Facebook. I talked about on the wall how I felt that the screens were a direct reflection of our dreams, and using them wisely we can effect great change in our external reality. It is a web and it is a form of magic.
The next day I come up to work and hear my old name called, It is the voice of an old friend. I recognize it instantly. We will call her, The Ash. We had fallen out of contact. I had called her when I first got back into town, telling her where I worked. but I had not heard back from her. As our relationship had been a bit rocky for the past few years as we moved in different directions, I had surrendered to the idea that we had drifted apart. That she an I were in different realities. The day after I realized the power of the web, she says that she felt such a strong intuitive push to come find me at my work that day. She confirmed, no, I am so happy you are back! I do want you in my life. I just, well you know when you don't call someone back right away and then the time goes and then you feel guilty and then more time goes and then you feel more guilty, so you just don't make that call? Yes. I totally understand. She said she felt this huge pull to come find me that day,
"I LIKE that idea" She said, "I'll FOLLOW that." I told her about my facebook binge to re-wire my friends on the fringe. We marveled at our own magic and the magic of the universe.
We had separated as friends initially when I got heavily into the "Bashar" information back in 2010.
She said that there was just something in her gut that felt "off" about it and she could never "go there" with me. As I was early for work and had time, I explained to her a bit of my experiences in Hawai'i regarding the contact. I too think something is "off" I told The Ash. Nothing is as it seems
Just then an unkindness of ravens flew over us. Cawing loud. I laughed. So did she.
"Sorry, that is totally me. Ravens and Crows follow me." Said The Ash
I laughed, they keeping finding me too. And it is nothing to be sorry about. It is a very strong symbol of a very specific archetype that rings "True" to me, it is being sent out in strong forces now.
The Ash agreed, "And it feels like ancient Earth Magic"
And a messenger from the void.
I was so thrilled to have reconnected with The Ash. It made any embarrassment or"second thoughts" I had about my "weird" facebook action completely disappeared. And it validated for me how the internet really can be used as a tool to create great change in our external realities. Spirit had guided me to a victory once again. The pace of the music was picking up, a quickening, to a more lively tempo.
That night I read about the ancient beliefs of the Ash Tree. It was a very strong symbol in Celtic/ Druid mythology. Essentially the Ash Tree is the bridge between worlds.
The next day, checking Facebook, I had received a very interesting message from The Crown. My friend in LA who I had met during the Bashar session in June of 2012.
"Hello there Miss Rose, it seems we do very interesting work in the dream space together. Last night, after watching TV commercials where Darryl Anka was selling the world alien implants, we thought better of watching the screens and went out side to talk to the trees. There we and a few other friends, one "new girl" with you, a old new friend. We all held up and tried to save a falling Ash Tree. Your old new friend, tell her I said Hi, whoever she is. Have a great day ;) "
Wow. Well done Crown! Well done Ash! Good on all of us!
On January 31st I got three friend requests on facebook from people that I did not know. All three had mutual one friend. Darryl Anka. Then an other person I did not know commented on my soundcloud. "I saw your Bashar Video and I really like your energy and music"
Uh oh.. something has happened..
I got a message from one of the my new friends on facebook. " I hope you found a home ;) Don't know if you know this has been posted" and there was a youtube link
"Incredible interaction with a hybridized human"
Many people had already started making comments. Some thought I was "crazy" or a "sick, sad, lost soul who needed help" those, honestly did not bother me. I could see their point. The comments that I felt needed a response were the ones who "believed" my story. That I was a hybridized human, with implants and the whole bit, giving validation to the "Bashar Mythology" I knew I needed to tell my story. As I had realized years prior when I had channeled for my friend Kage, it is fine if the only person I am possibly deceiving is myself, but as soon as it involves one other person, I must take care and consideration with my actions. As I had just recently realized more about the true power of the web, I knew it was time to share my story. But I took my time. I had to weigh out what parts were important to share. How could I concisely break down the plot points? How far into my experience with "the other side of their coin" did I need to go into. I did not want to slander or create negativity. I decided to start at the beginning, take my time writing it and see what further events transpired in my external reality. I knew that the main part of the whole message is to follow your heart. With integrity....with integrity. I had noticed that word, Integrity had been part of Bashar's prescription in the early days "to follow your excitement in each and every moment, to the best of your ability, with integrity." But in recent transmissions, that word, I noticed had fallen out of the script. I needed to make sure it stayed in mine.
I feel those of us that are interested or attracted to the Bashar information or any other channeled material need to understand, fully the importance of story and how it relates to us dancing with our shadow selves. The power of the human imagination is epic. I believe we are existing in a construct that is very much liken to "The Never Ending Story" And we have gotten to the point in our transitions were we are interacting with those from "Fantasia". Forms and world generated from the human imagination. What do you chose to believe? How will you write your own story. It had bothered me for years the importance the audience and followers of Bashar placed on the different "sub- branch" categories of the characters within his mythology. The different "Races" and timelines, the "exact" events and way "things happened". The strong desire for the need of categorizing these characters and the "belief" in what he is saying. I feel this is a dangerous slope, sliding down into giving the power of our imaginations away to an outside source.
Teacher, if you tell me that we exist in infinite overlaying parallel realities, that what I think becomes a reality in someway, shape or form. And then we introduce the true nature of time, and "time loops" Well, then you have given me a grand loop hole, and "all bets are off" Yet, at the same time, you continue to feed me with a story. A "way that things go". But this is only because I was hungry, and the greater collective of my race was asking for it. But this is his perception of reality, and I think it is our right and our duty, to re-write the story.
Just an example, Bashar says that the "Shalanaya or the Yahyel" will be "the first to make contact with us" that they are the ones that are "most directly our children" The word Yahyel, is based in Hebrew etymology and means - "a structure, or tent out in the valley" it also has connections to a word meaning "community" Bashar says that these beings are the ones responsible for the Phoenix lights over Arizona in 1997, "coincidentally" enough the name of "Phoenix", Arizona was named by a man who called him self, "Lord" Darrel Duppa, a name suggested as it described a city born from the "ruins" of a previous civilization. A conquered indigenous civilization.
Anyway, I like to re-write stories. I want my piers and my race to be "the hero" this time. "those most directly our children" Well what if that is me? What if that group of beings is those of us that are here now. The ones with these "activated DNA's" These "souls that have passed through certain gateways" Remember the true nature of time. What if the Phoenix Lights hasn't happened "yet" What if it is us? Maybe we evolve into our "hyper human" selves and we tunnel back through time from a new version of earth that we have created, where we are connected to the spirit of our mother, we can create "space ships" from thought? Or maybe we break into underground facilities that have housed that craft for decades, it came here from our "ancestors" that could also be "us" We are special spirits, guided and guarded by the Will of the Natural spirit. Scientists and researchers have tried for decades to reverse engineer these crafts, they can't seem to figure it out. For they do not understand one crucial element, the power of consciousness. I am not saying, this is "how it goes" these are ideas, a preferred fantasy, a different way to tell the story. A way to play within the loop holes set by the original foundation of the Bashar information. A way to reclaim my imagination.
For years now I have noticed a certain "soul type" those with in my generation, a little older and a little younger. There is a light in the eyes and a connection and understanding to the importance of the darkness. Starseed, Indigo, Hybridized human, Wanderer. Whatever. I don't want labels. Make your own. But these beings seem to have a certain "look" to me. Maybe it is "type casting" Most of us have been "modified" We have done this to ourselves. Willingly. Tattoos, piercings and other body "modifications" as a form of expression. Maybe we have undergone other "modifications" in other ways, but we question the details of that, and are not quick to "buy into story" But we "put our hearts on our sleeves". It is a way for us to recognize each other too. Most of these beings, at least for what I have seen are working in the "service" industry in one way or another. And the friends closest in my circles, currently work in or gravitate to cafes and coffee shops. Most the people that I have met in this "sub group" have a certain level of awareness about the state of our world. But we can go to very dark places, and seem to forget how magic we truly are. We put on layers of armor in our confusion, we try to cover it up with ink and metal, because underneath, we are pure open, bleeding hearts. This can be said for all of us, even those that do not "fit" into "this category" I am not saying you have to be a "recovering punk" with tattoos and piercings to be a "magical soul" We all are. It is just a through line of my story that I have noticed.
I had a dream one night where I was with a group of friends that I have known from my early high school days and before. We were in downtown Novato, my hometown, at the Farmers Market. One of my friends runs up to me..
"Holy, shit! They are here! They are here. Gita, Look!" He points up to the sky. About a dozen or so little space pods, egg like in shape are descending down to the ground. "You gotta go meet them! We will stay here."
I take off running to where they have landed. In front of a restaurant, lined up like motorcycles, are the space pods. I walk up the small stair case to the door. A bouncer type guy gauges my energy deems me "allowed to pass" I enter the restaurant and a very "human" middle aged male is at my side, he is my guide for the event. I trust him, fully. Sitting at the tables are young, heavily modified "punks" Lots of tattooed skin, piercings, gauged ears, lime green died hair, leopard print and leather, studs and patches. They are the "hybrids" they are the "aliens" in the space egg pods. But they are "like me" and my friends. I sit down at one of the tables, my guide at my side. I look into the eyes of the beings, they are all so stoic, so serious..like way too "cool for school"
"If you guys want to integrate with the rest of humanity, you know you are going to have to lighten up, right?"
They continue to stare at me.
"It's time to continue the meeting" my guide says. We all walk into a back room of the restaurant. The room is filled with couches and comfy chairs. There is a large TV set. We are going to watch a movie. I sit on a couch next to my guide. As soon as the movie starts, I feel myself start to fall asleep. "It's okay" I feel from my guide. I wake up, still in the dream, my head on the guide's shoulder. I look around the room, the rest of the "hybrid punks" are gone.
"I feel asleep" I say to my guide.
"That is okay, we knew you would. It was the best way for you to process the movie. The others couldn't cope with it. They had to leave the room." My guide responds.
"What was the movie?" I ask
"Earth" he simply responds and I wake up.
A few nights later I am outside of the cafe where I worked, watching Sirius. It is blinking and flashing at a rapid rate, even more than usual. It seems at though it is moving in little circles. It blink and rub my eyes, I am I playing tricks on myself ? It continues to move in little circles, blinking and flashing. I check my reference off of Orion's belt, yup this thing is Sirius and it's Moving!!
"Hold on...." I hear, and then I see the star MOVE...it moves a good two feet across the night's sky and rests behind a tree, blinking and winking at me. Then I shake my head in amazement and it is back to where it started. Over the roof, not behind a tree.
What the Frack?
"What shifted? The stars or your relationship to them??" I feel.
I am stunned. I keep re-assuring my self. That happened. I SAW that! That was serious.
In the first week of February, I had another very interesting dream. I walked out of the little cottage where I am staying now, onto the street. There is a vintage black car, that looked new. In the driver's seat was The Dreamer.
I was not happy to see him, we did not end our relationship on the best of terms.
"Remember what I told you, Miss. I always serve for the greater good, no matter how it may look. I said you would be called in. And we would be there for you."
He flashes a grin and I remember the times when our mirrors aligned. I can play friends. I walk around the side of the car, thinking I am to get in on the passenger's side, there in the seat is The Crown. He takes off is mirrored aviator sunglasses and smiles wide eyes calm. A skeleton tattooed arm extends out from a black sleeved suit, we clasp forearms, the Warrior handshake.
I get in the back of the car. And we are off, driving fast through colored lights. We arrive in a blink of an eye Darryl Anka's house.
"Miss, you know why we are here. You must deliver your report." The Dreamer says to me.
I am watching myself now, watching a movie. A secure woman gets out of the car, she is dressed in a well fitting suit. With a skirt, the cut is modern yet gives off the air of vintage class. Her hair is pulled up and she wears sleek mirrored sunglasses. She grabs a brief case from the car. She goes up to the door and rings the bell.
Darryl Anka answers the door, he smiles. But says, "you really can't just come over to my house, you know"
"Apparently, I can. May I come in?" she responds
"It would be my pleasure." He opens the door and guides her in. They sit in the living room. Movie posters on the wall, a samurai sword placed over the fireplace mantel
"I am here in regards to the being you know as, Willow Hillowcrism. Alias :Willa Hillacrissing, Alias: The Fox, Alias: Kin of Ravenswood. It is my duty today to present you with her official file from the Records. She was supposed to be in holding. In a state of probation. Her status revoked from interaction with civilizations in cycles of rest. There seems to have been a breach. We will be honest and say, we are not exactly sure how this is happening. As far as we can tell, her physical body is still in holding. There seems to be an energetic agreement taking place with her and those from the Shakani I must differentiate origins of essence here, I am here today on the Will of the Sassani. And for those I most directly work with, PIB. Person in Black." She winks a rye smile to Darryl and hands him a manila folder marked CLASSIFIED.
He nods, a flash of surprise in his eyes turns quickly into a light of pride. He takes the manilla folder.
I wake up laughing.
I check Facebook later that morning. The Dreamer has sent me a friend request. I am stunned. Wow. I hesitate slightly for protection of my heart, but after all I have learned, it must be time to play my part. I accept.
There is a message also in my Facebook inbox from The Crown.
"Just passing through, saying hi ;)"
Later that day while showering after yoga class I noticed very odd marks on my arm. I had no recollection of anything happening to create these marks. On my right arm, the same arm that the dolphins had maybe showed me where possible implants were months ago in Kealakekua bay. The marks were right by my tattoo. Nestled right next to the "human star". I remembered stories about the "faerie abductions" they too where said to leave marks on people. I did not jump right away to the story of "aliens" or anything else necessarily "other worldly" or otherwise. Again, I wasn't given a story or explanation. The arrangement of the marks was very specific and a pattern that I had seen many times before on my own journey.. a triad with a mark off to the side. For me this symbolizes the idea of Mind, Body, Spirit, with an almost forgotten aspect off to the side, the Will. These marks vanished after two days. No yellowing of the "bruises" or anything. There one day, the same strength of color the next, and the third. Gone.
February 4th 2014, I was working on music with The Gift. I was distracted, to say the least, all the story swirling in my head. I had told The Gift about my "ET/Alien" connections, how I felt myself to be some sort of representative. How I thought the entertainment industry, the music business in particular, was being used as the Grand Arena for the Esoteric Showdown. I write songs because I Have to, I Need to, I told him, but also, I want "In" I want to push the boundaries like a warrior on a quest but through play, art and music. But I had never told him of my direct connection to Bashar and Darryl Anka. This night in particular I knew I needed to tell him. I gave him, "The history of the World" - according to my understandings of the Bashar perspective" And my wavering trust and questioning of parts of their information. In under two minutes or less. I would pay money to see that monologue played back to me... at one point he stopped me.
"Have you heard of the 763 - 4 (One)?"
"No I don't know what you are talking about." I responded
"That's fine, continue, we will go back to it." He shrugs
"So, now they have given me this information about Cybo. The trickster. And I did my research on that word too, it was a family that worked for the upper levels of the Church in Rome. But I can't find a direct translation for what it means. But there is the word, Cibo. Like, pronounced Chibo, in Italian. I know slightly different, but not. We have to understand the power in this created language. These letters, sounds, and words, are all linked, even when they are slightly different, together they make up clues. Okay, Anyway...that word Cibo, means FOOD. And you can bet your but, that a family, no matter how high up in hierarchy, there are always energies higher, especially within the truth behind the church. Duh, these dudes were FOOD. Okay, so now, they have introduced this new character, who I do not trust.Willow Hisorherbblapat. They've got all these people believing this story, cause we are Hungry for Food. All of us...Here is what I think, I think there has been some sort of hack in the Bashar energy. It is like I can talk to their souls, their hearts and will. To their true essence, that is somewhere...ELSE. Part of this original essence gets channeled through and then there is another part that is false. It is the part that is with the Galactic Federation. Why...After all I have come to learn about the state of our planet, that We have come to learn, would I want to join anything that is called a FEDERATION?! Sure, Interstellar Alliance...whatever. I think these beings think they are somewhere other than where they think they are. They think they are in the 6th, 7th dimension, on the road to "ascension" But I think they are actually still in the 4th dimension. Right here with us. The Fourth dimension is HUGE! We can't even wrap our minds around where we are. I think the Galactic Federation could very well be part of the "false light construct" They think they are going to help us, but really, their denied essence is going to eat us into the nothing. But they "know not what they do" Or maybe they do. But it is by questioning the darkness of someone and reflecting back to ourselves that we are able to find unconditional love. And that's what this is all about. That, and a damn good story."
The Gift just stared at me. Then calmly began to speak "I have a good friend of mine in the music industry that I have known for years. He used to live in LA, he was all "part of the scene" He lives here in Marin now. He has known of Darryl Anka and Bashar since 1988. He and other "high ups" in the industry are very interested in this information. But, well let's put it this way, they have their own views too. Now mind you, this is just what I have heard. What I have been told.... Bashar, or "Others" Related to, is going to propose the invitation to the Galactic Federation. There are already 763 civilizations in the federation. There are many, many, many, more, in existence, but these are the ones in the Federation or Alliance. Earth is in line to be the 764th civilization in the Alliance. It is, apparently, on coarse to join with "The One" 763-4(ONE) The One is an energy, well I see it kind of like "the Borg" out to "achieve perfection" The Federation are masters of Time. If a civilization doesn't "fit" it gets "erased" from Time. It seems as though these beings do have agendas to trick us into Willingly, Joyfully, joining the Federation. With a perspective that is like, there is absolutely no other choice! And well, you know as best of any of use the importance of the rebel warrior spirit that is Earth and her people. If Earth were to get erased... well...."
"Everything. Everything, would fall into the Gap, into the Nothing with her. I have felt for years that most would rather fall into One with the Nothing than Feel...Woah... dude"
"Yup, Miss Rosenberg, the plot thickens, what do you want to do now?"
"Let's write some danged music "
I had so much hesitation on how to go about writing this story, what did I really want to include. I was scared that I did not have a balance perspective. That I was looking for negativity. I had such hesitation in "tearing down the walls" of this story setting. I was going to leave out any mention of Willow Hillacrissm or the idea of a "false light construct" and focus on the importance of story and the power of imagination, until I came across a Bashar/Willow video on Youtube. From the session in LA on November 10th, entitled "The Fox" In the video she briefly explains the idea of "time travel" or "parallel realities" The energy seemed "off" to me.. not nearly as clear as Bashar. Full of glitches and schisms. I could live and let live until I heard her parting remark:
"Are you having a good time, cookies?
Do you know why we call you, cookies?
Cause, your baking, yes?
And you're full of nuts and chips
And you're sweet
And delicious
And we will eat you up"
It seemed to me I just maybe swimming with aspects of a shark and disrupting a feed. I took this a final sign that I did need to, that I so desired to tell my full story.
On February the 13th, The Ash texted me.
"Bashar Event is coming to San Fransisco in April. The Stone Speakers. I had a dream today where I was pulling out stones from my pocket....You wanna go??"
"I am not sure yet, if I am invited, maybe."
I am leaving out details, a sub plot or two. I have skimmed over the surface of some very magical tales, but I need to keep some of these experiences to myself, for they are my personal journey, my story evolving relationships that are very close to my heart and dear to me. If was going to tell certain parts of this tale, I would want to make sure I devoted time to it. And did it "right." and made it "for real" like a book that you could hold in your hand, and smell it's perfumed pages. For now, I will stick to the plot points that seem post important and beneficial for those interested.
The night of Febuary 15th I had a very interesting dream. I was with three old women. We were in the woods. They told me I was right on track, I needed to pay attention to all signs and synchronicities, just as always, but to take special care not to doubt myself They told me to re-read definitions of the Faeries and Fae. And they said, "the spinners send their love"
I awoke remembering it clearly- re-check etymology of Fae. And "the spinners send their love" I assumed the last statement was in reference the "spinner" dolphins, the type I swam with in Hawaii.
The word fairy derives from Middle English faierie (also fayerye, feirie, fairie), a direct borrowing from Old French, faerie (Modern French féerie) meaning the land, realm, or characteristic activity (i.e. enchantment) of the legendary people of folklore and romance called (in Old French) faie or fee (Modern French fée). This derived ultimately from Late Latin. fata (one of the personified Fates, hence a guardian or tutelary spirit, hence a spirit in general)
Moirai - the Fates of Greek mythology
Parcae - the Fates of Roman mythology,\
Sudice - the Fates of Slavic mythology
Norns - numerous female beings who determine the fate or future of a person in Germanic paganism
They controlled the metaphorical thread of life of every mortal from birth to death. They were independent, at the helm of necessity, directed fate, and watched that the fate assigned to every being by eternal laws might take its course without obstruction. The gods and men had to submit to them. In many references they are called, "The Spinners"
I had never heard of these characters before. A new sense of guidance and protection circled around me. I have felt pulled, or influenced by "alien" energies over the past few years, after a hello from these women in the woods, a very large group stepped up around me. "No, she stays with the Trees" I felt.
"Life is hard when you don't know who you are, it's harder when you don't know What you are" Lost Girl.. A part of me still wanted a label. For now, I really like Fae. I have been initiated these past years into this "other world" But Light and Dark are not always what they seem. It may be best to stay "unaligned" to navigate the Grey, to stay true to what you know in your heart to be "right" I will play Fae. For I am forever in change. Maybe a "Changeling". I will play Fae, to learn what it really means to be human.
February 17th, The Ash came into the cafe were I worked. She told me of dreams she had over the past few days all centered around the Norse Mythology. She met with a rock n' roll version of Odin, He tried to get her to "make a deal" with him. To drink from his cup. She woke up just before actually taking the sip.
I told her I think there has been a shifting of hands here, some cast changes. We must remember that these stories, I think, all symbolize the idea of the "other" within ourselves. However, they are also very "Real". These "Gods" could very well be "aliens" too and they certainly have their own tricksters and darkness as well, but there is a different energy with them than the "hybrid stories" It gives me the feeling of "realms" rather than space. Natural trees, rather than "bio-tech" I told her of my dream with the Fates. It seems another invitation is being made... she agreed.
On February 22 The Ash Texted me. "Apparently, today is Ragnarok! How bout them apples!"
Ragnarok. This prediction of this day being the beginning of "end of times" seems to be coming from the organizers of the Jorvik Viking Festival as a clever marketing scheme, but non the less, interesting.
The stories and poems of this time are long and extensive in Norse Mythology. The exact definition of the word seems to be just as varied.
"Fate of the Gods"
"Twilight of the Gods"
Ragna means "conjure"
rök, has several meanings, such as "development, origin, cause, relation, fate
The word ragnarök as a whole usually interpreted as the "final destiny of the gods."
"conjure caring the voices of the victory gods"
ragnarök and ragnarøkkr are closely related, etymologically and semantically, and suggests a meaning of "renewal of the divine powers."
The Weather seems to be one of the main focuses in these stories. The world covered in water to then reemerge a new.
the earth will appear once more from the sea, beautiful and green, where self-sown crops grow.
Two humans, Lif and Lifbrasir, will have also survived the destruction by hiding in the wood Hoddmimis Holt. they will consume the morning dew as food, and "from them generations will spring".
Hoddmímis Holt should not be understood literally as a wood or even a forest in which the two keep themselves hidden, but rather as an alternative name for the world-tree Yggdrasill. The creation of mankind from tree trunks is repeated after the Ragnarǫk as well. In Germanic Regions the concept of mankind originating from trees is ancient.
This inspired a search of etymology down a different track
The Sassanid Empire was the last Iranian empire before the rise of Islam. The Sassanid Empire recognized as one of the main powers in Western and Central Asia alongside the Roman -Byzantine Empire, for a period of more than 400 years.
I just found this image of the Sassanian flag, it is the "human stars" of my tattoo... It keeps getting curiouser and curiouser
The name for the Sassanian Empire in Middle Persian is Eran Shahr which means Aryan Empire.
The name of Iran derives immediately from Middle Persian Ērān
The word Iran is the Persian word for land/place of the Aryans
In Sanskrit and related Indic languages, ārya means "one who does noble deeds; a noble one".
While the original meaning of Indo-Iranian *arya as a self-designator is uncontested, the origin of the word (and thus also its original meaning) remains uncertain. Indo-Iranian ar- is a syllable ambiguous in origin, from Indo-European.
Thus it is possible, according to Talageri, that at one point Arya did refer to a specific tribe.
Erinn ( same pronunciation- different spelling ...Darryl/Daryle. Shivai - Shewai ) Erinn is the Irish word for Ireland
The English name for Ireland comes from the name ֹriu, ֹire, Eri, Germanic (Old Norse or Old English) word LAND or "help, mercy"
Eri is a goddess and/or Valkyrie associated with medical skill.
In Norse, into Irish mythology she is a mother goddess that brings healing.
In my mind, I see the word Essassani related to the etymology of The Essenes
Essḗnoi, Essaíoi, Ossaíoi)
sect of Second Temple Judaism that flourished from the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE which some scholars claim seceded from the Zadokite priests
Zadok (Hebrew: Tzadok צדוק, meaning "Righteous") was a priest descended from Eleazar the son of Aaron.
From Hebrew אהרן (Ahדrōn), of unknown meaning, possibly meaning "bearer of martyrs", or perhaps also, or instead, related to the Ancient Egyptian "aha rw" ("warrior lion"), though it has been suggested to also mean "elevated", "exalted" or "high mountain", or "woe to this pregnancy".
I find it interesting that the Arch of the Covenant was said to be with the Essenes in Coremeran for a time
Also, The Essenes are particularly interesting to scholars because they are believed to be an offshoot of the group that lived in Qumran, near the Dead Sea. In 1947, a Bedouin shepherd stumbled into a cave containing various ancient artifacts and jars containing manuscripts describing the beliefs of the sect and events of the time.
Again same pronunciation, different spelling. Erin, Aaron, Then as the tribe moves it gathers new members with different accents form different places, we get Aryan, Iran.
The Aryan "race" was said to be a nomadic tribe who taught and researched wisdom. They did have lineage to a certain bloodline and secret knowledge. However, any one who was interested and deemed pure of heart was allowed to join.
But now the Essasani is changing their name to "Eshakani ..."Shakani" I am not one to judge a name change, but I think I like the original better.
I searched and searched for etymology connections, but I felt I was just grasping at straws nothing seemed to "fit"
I found the Indian Goddess, Shaakambhari - It is said that in times of famine, Goddess Durgaa comes down and gives vegan food, (shaaka comes from sanskrit. means vegetables and vegan food) , to the hungry. That is why she is called 'Shaakambhari'. I feel this story further instils the need that humanity has for an outside savor. At no point, did I find, were this goddess teaches the humans how to plant for themselves.
But I did realize something very interesting about Sanskrit
Sanskrit: The classical Aryan language of ancient India, systematized by scholars. With the exception of a few ancient translations probably from Pali versions, most of the original texts in Buddhism used in China were Sanskrit.
The name Shaka is of African origin meaning chief
Then there is the Hawai'ian Shaka - the hand gesture of sticking out the thumb and pinky finger. Shaka, is not a Hawaiian word, there is no "S" in the Hawaiian alphabet. Some believe the word “shaka” was derived from the Gautama Buddha, Shakyamuni, who prayed with his hands in the shape of two shakas pressed together.
Another story tells that the word “shaka” was derived from the term “shark eye,” a traditional compliment given to respected friends and family members. I found this ironic.
Shakani - Ni in Sanskrit/Hindu means "with out"
I am getting lost in the details here, I know this. But etymology is one of my favorite things on this planet. Spelling. I share to encourage all to ask questions and dig to find the root meaning.
On March 7th I realized I can sing Metal music!!! Not like death metal, but like 1980's metal. The Gift encouraged me. Not many women can do this, and here you can really let loose with all that energy you have. All that you are interested in IS metal.
"You are so Metal, Mikey, and you don't even know it"
I drove home to little cottage, stoked! As I gathered and organized my things to leave my car, my attention was pulled to my left. There gliding over the hills and houses on a suburban street was a triangle shaped craft. A space ship. Not a UFO. It had bright lights around the perimeter of the ship, a circle in the middle made up of a half dozen or so lights. It was maybe only the size of a silver dollar, but it was clear and defined. Just how you would "imagine" it to look. Like in the movies. It cruised silently behind the hill. I wasn't scared. I wasn't excited. I felt no "love and light" It just was. I said to my self "oh, that's what That is" I knew it was from the Sassani/ or of that vibration. Galactic Federation. It was a neutral feeling. Or a polite business relation-ship. As it sunk behind the hill, I thought for a split second, get out of the car, watch it! Nah, I thought better of it. I got work tomorrow and have stuff to do.. I gathered my things and went into the little cottage.
As I was brushing my teeth looking at myself in the mirror. I realized what I had just scene. Maybe the shock wore off. "Woah! Girl! You saw that shit!! Don't forget or doubt that! But don't also forget HOW you felt. That is important to the story...."Oh, that's what that is...."
I know that I saw it, but I don't know, again how "real" it was. I feel it so important to question as we continue to spin down this rabbit hole. Asking questions allows us to realize the power of our own minds, our consciousness and imagination. I do not wish to discredit any ones experiences with ETs or Aliens that to them are very real, very physical, to them, that is their truth. But my experiences, up to this point, have always left me aware that there could be another explanation, some form of co-creation. That is how my specific journey had been designed.
How much of what we choose to believe is out of a desire to have the answers? As we are in such a pure, childlike state as we begin truly know ourselves, we must take care with what we choose to believe. We can entertain thought, play with ideas, and act out roles, but that is very different than having a firm belief about something.
As I draw this installment to a close, bringing to were I am now I feel like I am simultaneously opening and closing a door. I have no expectations of what will happen after posting all of this. I know it has been long winded, so thank you those who have decided to keep reading. But you did so because there is something here for you. I kept asking my self, why do I feel the need to do this? To share all of this? Just for the story. For the sake of the story. Is my answer. And for the off chance, that I help just one person. If I had read this a few years ago, well, I would have at the very least, felt comforted and Not so "alien" with- in the "alien community". For the majority, my interactions with these energies and applying these concepts have Not given me a state of contentment. I did experience bliss, ecstasy, and joy. But those things are fleeting, I long for contentment. A calm within the chaos. For the most part, I have spent the last four years in a state of anxiety, at state that I was confusing with "excitement". And I do even care for the word excitement any more, it is white hot and static. I wish to follow, the whisper, to follow the soft heart whisper, that is like the color of a pearl to me, it takes time and care open up the shells and find that little voice in side. And that little voice says, sing Gita! Sing loud! Metal baby.
This is to plant the idea that there is another way, infinite ways to tell the story, always. That things are never what we think they are, not in a story this epic. I will sate for The Record, that I do not wish to see space ships landing on my planet, anytime soon, or any being that is able to bi-locate or walk through walls. We are in rest mode, our sonar is turned off, we are just waking up to balancing both sides of our brains. It is my personal opinion that contact currently should be done from the shores. And in a sense, that is what Darryl Anka and other Channels are serving for. But channel yourself, humans. What do you believe? What is your version of this story? How will you be the hero in the mono-myth.
I have much appreciation and unconditional love for Darryl and April and those of Bashar Communications. As I do for Bashar and his people. I just encourage all of us, together to take a step back and look deeper into the mirror and the shadow, to see all of the plot twists. To recognize the profound power of our imaginations. So here is my piece and my peace.
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ReplyDeleteDarn technical difficulties!!! Oops. Oh well. I'll retype a small part of it. Hey I was impressed by the depth and breadth of your thoughts and your story. Very compelling I must say, pretty amazing brain! The Ark of the Covenant is actually in your brain as well, betcha didn't know that! Maybe you did. Anyways I wanted to try and email you but I don't see your contact info. I'm this guy... www.youtube.com/sborowsky I do videos on this type of thing as you see. sborowsky@gmail.com if you get a minute so we can chat briefly! I think I was here for a reason! Maybe.
ReplyDeleteHi Gita ; )
ReplyDeleteHi Gita... saw your interview with Bashar provided that was you... I asked my FB friends to help me find you and it took them less than a day to find you... I would love to have you on my radio show called The Ridiculous Hour... our theme is galactic conundrums... we would love to share your story... find me here? www.facebook.com/joseph.zenner cheers to all you are doing!!!
ReplyDeleteHi You :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for your story.
I just came across the Bashar videos. I was watching the old stuff and they made me feel light (true for me) so i went with that flow to see where it would take me. I was enjoying these videos and then i came upon the one where you were in. Wow, such a joy to watch. Made me and my body feel so very light. I knew it was you i was to find. So first of, thank you for Being You.
I very recently came across something called access consciousness. It's a bunch of tools (among other stuff) where you can let go / release your own limitations. It's about being more you, the true you, the infinite being.
The website is http://www.accessconsciousness.com/ or just google it. There are loads of free stuff and videos about it. Try it you, play with it, see if they are true for you.
I also highly recommend getting your access bars run. Discover what that is for yourself ;)
Again, thank you for being such a joy.
Give it a try: https://maya-ethnobotanicals.com/herbs/visionary/tabernanthe-iboga
ReplyDeleteHi Gita,
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading you blog. I must say it took me on a journey within and outside of myself. So many things resonated with me and so many of my questions were answered. This was the time for me to read this as I feel I am tuning in with my higher self and can clearly wrap my head around a lot of these concepts. You were right to include the idea of a false light and your thoughts on darkness. If not for anyone else but me. I was struggling with these themes or thoughts in my own head learning the good within the bad and vice versa. Also your struggle to find out who you are and just wanting to know or possibly just have a label instead of getting all of these different entities pulling you in certain directions. This also resonated with me. I have not had as many "other worldly" experiences as you (or at least that I can remember, I have been loosing a lot of my dreams lately) but your feelings and questionings are almost on par with my own. So thank you! Thank you so much for sharing. It has helped me out immensely and because of that I can help others all the more better.
Peace and so much love to you!
Arohanui from new zealand, I so enjoyed your wonderful account. You are an amazing writer among so many things. Yes you are playing so many roles but you are in charge and you are a wise and ancient lineage... I have had a similar life in aspects and in the knowing of our souls roots we can march ahead in joy and surety. My question is if you have read the Ra material? If not I'll leave the link, the first part as to how ta came to connect is a bit jumbled and a bit tiresome to read but the level of information provided me with many moments of clarity for my own journey which has been similar in some ways to yours ... I haven't told the full story, Yet! And I'm sure you have other untold for good reason. I'll leave the link here for the Ra material and to some of my YouTube ramblings as a way of saying hi dear sister. Thankyou for your sincere work on yourself and for the planet. http://www.llresearch.org/library/the_law_of_one_pdf/the_law_of_one_pdf.aspx