
I am starting a travel blog. I was inspired to create this because all my friends and family want to know what I am up to in Hawai'i. I must be honest, I do not greatly enjoy sitting at computers typing and waiting for pictures to load. It bores me. There are  God reflections to see in the pupil of the human student and in the ancient knowledge in the Iris.

So, I must write this for me. In all the glory of mythology and story. I must not worry about the possible  people who may or may not read this and what wonders they may or may not say. I am aware that my language tends to play on symbols and tricks. I have a perspective that could be poetic or pedestrian. But this is for me. I finished the last pages of my previous journal before I left Northern California. This shall be my new one. That I will put up on the internet for all to see, but no is really reading it but me. All the different aspects and reflections of the One gaining information from another part's story. Oh the WEBs we now weave!

I will recount the adventures of my first few days in due time. I must process first all that I have digested.


  1. Deep within the oceans on Earth; there is a song full of joy
    A song that can only be heard by those who sing it
    A song that can only be sang by those who can sing

    And somewhere in an ocean is a Heart
    A heart that loves unconditionally to those who love it unconditionally
    The only way to feel love from this heart is to be one with this heart
    Being one with this heart is the realization of your natural oneness with this heart

    This heart will perform many songs for you with many different instruments; perhaps with instruments that swim, and the only to be part of this aquatic orchestra is learn every aspect of the instrument you play and master every aspect of the instrument.

    The mastering of your instrument will allow you to not only be part of the overall song; it will allow you to create your own unique song that will merge perfectly with the overall song that I sing to you and the song that the oceans have been singing to you.
    Gita is a rising rose.

  2. I would love to post this, and Gita's blog, at my Facebook site (the only means, at this time and for the past 4 years). How can I? Can I?


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