I Come In Piece
Part Two
Hawai'i - February to June 2012
I landed in Hawai'i with a big back-pack and $800 dollars. Pineapple Park Hostel. Kealakekua Bay. That was all I knew. The warm air hugged me. At the first breath, I felt like I had never breathed before in my life. I took an expensive taxi to Kealakekua. I watched fields of lava rock dessert and industrial type buildings fly by. Not what I had expected. As we pulled on to Mamalahoa Hwy 11, I heard a compassionate and strong woman's voice, "Aloha. Be aware. Of all symbols and feelings you receive." 11 had been a marker for me for many years to know that "I was on track" It is a magical number now for many people. The land was not what I had expected, but the ocean was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The color! "No Vog today. Look at da colas!" My taxi driver said. I didn't understand, he explained to me Vog - it's from the volcano. I later looked it up for more specifics. Vog is created when volcanic gases (primarily oxides of sulfer) react with sunlight,oxygen and moisture. The result includes sulfuric acid and other sulfates. It created a haze some days that changed the color and visibility of everything, but my first day on the island was clear and bright with technicolor. We continued down the highway. Big chain stores and churches. Lots of churches. Evidence of a native world westernized. As we swept down hill into Kealakekua the scenery changed. Huge trees and bright flowers. Little independent businesses. It began to feel like another country. The Kona Coffee Belt. Mamalahoa Hwy 11 between mile marker 111 and 110 we rolled into Pineapple Park. Alohas and the driver was on his way. A very business like, yet humorous and loving South Korean women checked me into the Hostel. She is the owner. I checked in for two nights, thinking I was going to find a farm or some type of work trade. I got settled and knew I needed to go to the ocean. I asked one of the girls on staff, "Where is the closest way to get to the ocean?" She was from the mainland, but used a few Hawaiian words, I later learned they just get into your vocabulary easily after you have been there a while.
"Oh, well, we are far up mauka- up hill. 1,500 feet. There is a trail that will take you makai- down to the water, Kealakekua Bay, a mile and a half or so down. But it is steep coming up."
"That's Perfect."
I rented snorkel gear and was on my way. The trail was beautiful. Again not what I had expected, it was the dry time of year and the land was a mix of yellow and browns. But the views were stunning. I made it down the trail and was god smacked by the "Gate way of the Gods" it was stunning. A large cliff side in the shape of a crescent cradling a calm vast bay. It was about three or four in the after noon. I was the only one there. No boats, no kayaks, no other people. I know now, that this type of solitude at the Captain Cook monument is rare. I took off my boots and put my bare feet on lava rock for the first time. A stream of energy traveled up my body. Warm. Energizing and soothing. I felt like a Human returned Home. I put on the snorkel gear and jumped in. The water was cooler than I thought it would be, but still amazing, amazing, compared to the water in Northern California. I had always been a good swimmer. Spent hours upon hours in the pool when I was a kid. But, I was never much of an ocean girl, it's cold where I grew up. I was aware of how comfortable I was. I had never snorkeled before, it was easy, natural to me. I had maybe only swam with fins once or twice before. My breath control I had learned as a singer made it so diving and holding my breath was no problem. I quickly noticed that swimming arm over arm, kicking my legs was inefficient, it wasted breath and energy. I held my arms out in front of me and held my legs together like a mermaid, propelling myself with movement starting from my tail bone. I later learned this was called a "dolphin kick". My comfort in the water surprised me, but at the same time, not. This was why I was here. There were no dolphins out that day, that I was aware of anyway. I wasn't expecting to meet them so soon. I knew I would need to adjust to these new alien surroundings before meeting them. I watched the fish. And appreciated the coral. I noticed again, it was not what I was expecting, it was beautiful, but it looked, well sick. And maybe even dying. I swam out that day for the first time into the deep blue. All I could see was blue. I didn't know how deep it was, or what I might encounter. It was comforting for me, so comforting to be swimming in the vast blue of the unknown, my surroundings, finally so perfectly mirrored what my internal mind looked like. The specks of particles, or little krill, I wasn't sure what, looked like stars in the night sky. Then I heard "Each speck is a galaxy, is a universe... this is SPACE" My soul welled up and I felt like a Spirit Returned Home. The sun reflected on my skin created rainbows over my tattoos. I have tattoos on my fore arms that are symbols I have seen in my dreams. They tell a story of the blending of stars and earth. I am still learning the story, each symbol is an encyclopedia of information. I have had a few people tell me "you don't even know the power you have, you don't know what you have tattooed on your own flesh" I smile and say, "you are right!" The sun reflected over my skin and ink, my arms outstretched, just my body in the vast blue. I cried tears of wonder and appreciation into my mask as I watched the rainbows reflect and dance.
I spent the next few days looking for a work trade situation and trying to ground into the slowness of the Island. "The freedom is actually unnerving here. I don't know what to do with myself" I wrote in my journal. Soon enough a work trade presented its self right at Pineapple Park Hostel. Amazing. I would hike down to the bay in the mornings and go for swims. Learning from the ocean. And then go to work at the hostel. The afternoons and evenings I was tired, But I would socialize a little bit with tourists. I was in and out of playing different characters, I was searching for a way to "classify" myself. Having conversations, answering simple questions such as "Where are you from?" was a challenge. But I am playful and like to push boundaries, so I would answer with "Well, the body grew up in Marin County California." And then the tourists would laugh awkwardly and ask "why are you in Hawai'i? What are you doing here..?" I liked this question, It makes it not "about me" It's about Humanity. "I think there are secrets to the story of Earth that are here. In the people, the culture, the land, and the animals and the sea. Alternative History" This would open up the doors for great conversations, or sometimes it wouldn't. I made many great connections with like minded people at the hostel. My dreams were quiet and I would wake feeling like I was receiving the lessons again from the grandmother beings. I awoke so grateful and comforted.
A week or two in and I still hadn't met the dolphins, but I wasn't really searching them out yet. I didn't know their routines or cycles. I decided to book a swim with April Rochelle of Bashar Communications. It seemed fitting. She was kind enough to pick me up a Lako street and we drove north to Honokohau Harbor. We went out on China Mike's boat with a small group of people. I don't remember much of what we talked about on our way in, I was quiet. A little overwhelmed. There was a lot to feel. On the boat, as we were setting off, China Mike did a ceremony playing a type of flute to all directions of earth asking the water for permission to enter. I thought this was kinda cool, but then I thought, if there is honest intent, then isn't permission always granted?
"He always finds the dolphins" April said to me. I thought, Okay, I know I've never met a dolphin, but I am pretty sure they allow themselves to be found. I wanted to play nice and respectful. So I kept quiet and stayed in appreciation of the moment. China Mike explained how we were going to try to find them as they were on their morning "commute" In between cycles. But you can't set your watch by them, they might have fed early or later, or they could be somewhere else socializing or bedding down to rest. About 15 minutes or so later we came upon the pod. They were cresting and arching out of the water together in groups as they traveled south. They moved at a fairly fast pace. They were beautiful. The sounds of the collective exhale of breath was the first thing I will always remember. Then the glint of their dorsal fins, the shine of their skin reflecting in the sunlight.
Then instructions, I don't remember the exact words here, but the energy felt, again "off" to me. It was rushed and slightly stressed or over exited. - Okay, so we are going to drive a head a bit and enter into the water, and they will just swim past us. Or some may check us out, and then we will get back on the boat and continue south and dive in again to try and connect with them again. Just don't touch them.
I put on my gear and dove into the water. In what felt like a flash 40 or so dolphins cruised by me. It was stunning and amazing. But so fast! I felt the urge to sing to them. April said to me "You can sing to them, they love sounds" I laughed. "Well, done April!" I sang for the first time through my snorkel, it made such a tickling vibration. More dolphins zoomed past, and then more! It was like morning commute hour. I watched one of the tour guides, a young male, dive so deep with them. Swimming right along in their stream. He was so graceful and comfortable with them. He would "catch a ride" or a "wave" with the dolphins. Sink into their movements and go for a little dance as they swam together. He could hold his breath for ever! Then the dolphin parade was over and we were back in the boat heading down south again. We jumped back in the water and one group zoomed past again. Then a second group came up, a little slower, I tried to mimic what I had seen the male guide do. I sunk into a little ride with a dolphin. She (i learned later how to tell them apart) looked into my eyes as we made a little circle around each other. My mind was silent. Truly silent, for the first time in years. I felt my teeth buzz in my skull and reverberate through my entire being. I know now, that this female most likely buzzed me with ultrasound that was beyond my range of hearing. But I felt it. I surfaced for breath to find April surfacing as well.
"Nice! You got a little connection there!"
"uh..hu...." I was stunned. A little overwhelmed. April dove back down. The world was moving so fast around me. So much to feel. I felt the dolphin had scanned me and at the same time given me a download of a huge file. It felt like a massive gigabyte of food that my brain and unconscious was chewing and swallowing to store for a long winter.
April surfaced again she was smiling and laughing "awe, this one little guy just talked to me, I think they can do that, He just told me his friends are making fun of him. He felt bad. See, they are not so different than us! I sent him love"
"Oh...uh... that's sweet" I murmured
I think one just downloaded me the history of the Nummo...or something...serious... but I just smiled. She dived back down in her delight.
I don't remember how much longer we were in the water, next thing I do know we were back on the boat watching wales. A female came right up along the side of our boat. So close. She had a baby with her. They were practicing breaching. Then males appeared and a heat chase began. I was amazed! The joy on the boat was "right on"! We sent love through our calls of surprise and appreciation as the whales just kept breaching and breaching and breaching! Captain China Mike said "I haven't seen a show this good in years! Know that, guys." talking to us newbies on the boat "this doesn't happen everyday!"
"Mmm..I love the smell of whale breath in the morning!" Said April. I laughed hard.
On the drive back down to South Kona, I asked her, what is her soul's connection to the Sassani race?
"oh, well, we haven't really talked about it publicly yet, but I am Bashar's daughter" Then correcting herself, "Or in that cross-connecting experience, I share aspects of the same soul as Bashar's biological daughter."
"hu....you know, I asked Bashar in 2010 in a private session with him, if he had any children..." Not trying to be confrontational, but I was curious...."he said, of my own? No"
"Well, you may have been talking to a version of him that didn't have any yet. Or just an entirely different version all together. Then he changed to a reality where he does have children. They do that."
uhhh...wtf....I thought. That is true, they do constantly shift realities, we all do. But that just sure seems convenient, I bet many humans would like to pop in and out of realities with and without children at will. But I stayed polite and smiled.
Then I archived the conversation. Time Streams. Time loops. Reality Jumping.
Loopholes. Always means for a better story.
As we drove up the the Chevron on Lako street. I was telling her the story of "meeting" the hybrid children on the Gravitron like ship, the "vision" I had.
"Wow. that's great. You are connecting to your inner hybrid. Have you told Darryl these stories? He would love to hear them!"
"No. Honestly, I only contact him when I need, well, help." Then I felt guilty about not sharing more positive or interesting stories with him.
"That's okay. He is always great for help."
"Yes, he is." I thanked her for the ride and the swim. She said how nice it was to get to connect with me. I agreed. Alohas and then we parted.
The next few months were filled with activation. I learned where to go meet the dolphins. A few selective bays in the area where they would come in to the shallows to rest or play. I became familiar with specific members of the pod, my swimming and breathing techniques expanded. I was aware I was being given information that stored itself on the subconscious level, for the time being, it wasn't needed in my everyday life. I was building trust in our telepathic communication. It feels so real when you are in their presence, and then you leave the water and it all feels like a dream. I would go down to the water every day. Some days the dolphins were there, other days they were not. The days that they were in to play, the water was full of humans trying to get a connection and a dance. On the days that they were not in, I was the only human, for the most part, in the water. I learned to hear their teaching's through the heart even when they were not in sight. "We are always with you. It is not about "finding" us at the bay. It is about putting yourself in the emotional state where you go to the reality were we have always been there, with you." I swam for the sake of swimming. For the joy of it. For love, the experience and the connection to planet Earth. I would swim the length of Kealakekua Bay. It is over a mile one way, depending how far out you go. I would hear the sounds of the dolphins clicks and whistles far out, or I would think I was hearing them. I doubted myself until we found each other enough times where I learned I was fine tuning my sense of hearing.
The locals began to take notice of me. They thought I was crazy for swimming out in the middle of the bay by myself. "You nevah see no sharks?" No, I said...Not yet..
They called me "dolphin girl"
The older aunties and uncles took a certain interest in me, I built several very meaningful relationships.
"You know how dey got down to da bay before dare was da trail?" one uncle said to me one day as I was drying out from my swim over from the monument to the heiau side after hiking down the hill. He leaned in close he paused dramatically for a minute..."Dey Flew!"
"ahh....now...come on, now, Uncle!" groaned da local boys.
"It's true" The uncles eyes locked to mine.
"I know. I believe you." I said
"And you know about da, mermaids..." He started
"Ah, now man, you no tell her bout dat" interrupted his wife. Then she looked at me, like assessing me, "Well, yah, it's true, dare are mermaids. And merMEN...but only us special ones know where da find 'em. I know where to find 'em" She boasted with a smile as she strung a pink a white plumeria lei. "But you no worry about dat now, you swim with those dolphins as much you can, dat's why you are here. We know what you are. Dat's why you are here"
I was supper charged after that conversation for my mile swim back across the bay and the mile hike up the trail. But while my body worked, my mind raced. "We know what you are" I'm not sure I know what I am, I mean, I think, I think a lot. But I don't know what I BELIEVE. Keep swimming.. keep moving.. keep exploring across the bay and up the hill I told myself. Know that you don't know.
As much as I liked staying in the Known of the Unknown, I desired a label for myself then, a way to classify "what I am". I began searching through the Bashar information again on Youtube. Looking for the differences between the Hybrid Children, the Yahyel or the Shalanaya, and what I was to find, the tittle of "hybridized human". As well as the classifications from other sources, such as the Indigos or Starseeds. Now, I do think that what we understand the human genome to be today is a hybridized race. A mixture of terrestrial, alien, ET, and "other worldly" DNA. This much I do believe, I have done enough research and compiling of information and study of myth and legend to "believe" this to be "true". I feel I need to have some foundational beliefs in my perceptions to be able to function in reality. I would be open to another explanation for the story, but at this point, I have not been given one that fits all the specifics. What I was looking for during this time so strongly, was a way to classify myself and my particular experiences. I was interested in staying in the lines of the Bashar information due to my experiences up to this point. I found an explanation of the Indigos/Hybridized Human in a Bashar video that began to help, even though I had known all this information, not like in a "my spirit knew it" kinda way, like my walking talking personality new this, but I just needed know what label to give myself. What character I was cast as.
Indigos/Hybridized Human "A new species. Vibrationally those that have passed through certain vibrational gates to allow them to remember more of who they are. And physically they will exhibit more of the idea of altered DNA and altered genetics that will allow them to function as antennas for higher frequency energies. You will not necessarily be capable of recognizing all of them. It has a lot to do with what ever theme they have chosen to explore and whatever service they have chosen to be of on your planet, as to when and where you may recognize them. "
I understood how just having a fine tuned spirit and perspective would activate the "junk" or dormant DNA in my make-up. But what I desired, was to know what had physically happened to my body, if anything.
On March 27th I had a very interesting dream...or experience... I found myself in some sort of warehouse. It was covered with old vintage clothes and costumes. I was sitting in a vintage style beauty chair. I understood that everything I was seeing was a creation of my mind, trying to classify what I was experiencing, it was not really the environment, per say. A woman sat next to me. She had an oversize head, huge blue eyes, and she was very thin. I understood her to be some type of hybrid. I knew that I had been here "before". I said to the woman, "I am okay with you, I know you aren't going to kill me, or hurt me."
"Yes. I wont. You know that." She telepathed to me. "But Christine is another story, she could very easily use you as a sacrifice, and that would be that. Don't forget that."
I could see fear and sadness in her eyes. Next thing I knew she took an implant out of my neck. Like a very thin needle, still in it's protective case. I was surprised. "What? Who put that there? The Greys?"
"No, we did." she relayed through thought. "Now, it's time to go to another room" We left the retro girly area, sparkly fabrics flowed as we left. I twirled myself up in a white scarf. Draped it over my head. Maybe dressing up and hiding would delay whatever was about to happen. She shook her head, no. On our way to the "other room" the glitter faded. I saw many people, men and women, most of them overweight on hospital like tables. Thin. Steel. They had tubes coming out of their necks and arms connecting them to machines. These people seemed in a state of trance or hypnosis. Their fat hanging over the side of the table. We passed a little room with a few mechanical or monitoring devices, a table in the center. A big fat figure lay on the table with blankets and scarves covering their entire body.
"This person didn't want to see where they are. They wanted to stay asleep. The rest may have foggy memories in the morning. This person will have no recollection. You are seeing blankets and scarves, but that is a metaphor.What we have actually done is mental and energetic." The Hybrid explained to me.
She lead me to a room that felt like it was part of "their domain" their monitoring place. "We can work from here" she sent "You really are more like one of us than one of them" She poured some sort of solution on a cotton ball and asked me to clean the exit point of the implant. "You need to learn how to do this yourself"
I took the cotton ball and slowly brought it up to my neck, not knowing where the exact spot was, I took the ball from under my ear down to my collar bone. About half way I felt a little sting. As I cleaned my neck, she set up the machine and little tubes. I knew, I understood she was going to be feeding off me. I was okay with it. More than anything I wanted to know who she was. She started to send me her answer.
"Our blood had more genetic links to the Reptilians than most humans. We are what you would understand as the beginning compartments on the train towards certain "Grey Breeds" towards Trans-humanism. Being cut off from our emotions. Our planet."
"But you can still feel!" I yelled at her, with my physical voice. "I can see it!"
"Yes, I know" she meekly sent via heart connection verses the telepathic mind. Tears started to well up in her eyes. She left the room. I was alone. I had the sudden urge to flee. The implant was taken out, they couldn't track me and this was just how the story goes. I was supposed to run for it. I was running out the door and down the hallway. It was then I realized that the implant was one of many, they could still easily track me. And anyways they wouldn't need any devices to do it, they could do it easily energetically. I ran out the hall and through a door at the end of the hallway and found myself on a terrace in the middle of a party. All the "women" were entertaining "human" men. The men ranged in size and ethnicity, but they all seemed, in one way or another, slimy. Everyone stopped to stare at me. I noticed a giant marble pineapple behind the faces on the balcony. I thought to my self, this is the "Elite". And they want to eat me. I turned to take off down the staircase, the women on the terrace sent me "Go ahead, try, try to run" I ran down the staircase past stunning statues and beautifully potted plants. Then I ran straight into two "women" One with long blonde hair, the other with long black. Both tan and tall and beautiful in miniskirt dresses. At this point I noticed I was wearing camo pants, a black tank top, and combat boots, I laughed. It's not that far off from how I walk around in waking life. Each of the "women" grabbed me by my elbows and led me up the stairs. They didn't seem angry or surprised, It was like I did this every time. Like I was seven and I stole the cookies from the cookie jar.....Again. They lead me up the stairs, back through the door and into the dark hallway. Then I woke up with a jolt, like I had been thrown down on my bed, back at Pineapple Park Hostel. I checked my neck in the mirror. There was a little red mark on the right side. I went back to sleep, surprisingly easily. When I woke a few hours later, after no memory of any more dreams, the mark was gone.
I spent the next day researching about what other people on the internet had to say about the "hybridized human" or Indigos, or other labels, the perspectives were interesting and helpful. They said these souls were connected to the Arthurian Maji Grail King Lineage. Knights Templar. Connections to Celtic and Druid DNA. As well as Annunaki, Elohim, and Nephilim. These races and souls can be connected to the Masons and the Illuminati, but not necessarily in a negative context. Certain "Indigos" can be "taken over" by the negative aspects of these genes, where confusion, drastic mood swings, schizophrenia, and split personalities can come through. There was mention of the soul itself being hybridized or a dual soul. The "angels" and the "fallen". This made sense to me on a very deep level. I loved the addition and knowledge of what the Knights Templar was and how it changed and morphed through out the ages. Illuminati means "the enlightened ones" Nothing is what we think it is in this story, because it is a really good one, the best told yet. What we think is "light" isn't always "good" and what we think is "dark" isn't always "bad"
I still had so many questions about what might have happened to me physically, I didn't believe the dream I had the previous night. What was more important to me was that it lead me to the connection of understanding more of the energy of my "soul type". I know how powerful the consciousness is. If I need to experience something, my mind can create a vehicle for it, and my body will follow suit. Just because I had a dream were an implant was taken out of my neck and then I wake up with a mark in the exact spot, does not mean it was a physical encounter that can be taken literally, however it might, because it is always...This, And...
I thought at this time, one possible story would go, that my DNA falls into a certain lineage. That my parents, and possibly generations before them where "abducted." Alterations and activations were done to their genetics to ensure a more usable vessel for the housing of a specific soul type. This could be done by specific adjustments while the child was still in the womb. Exposure to certain frequencies of light and sound aboard crafts or other facilities would also be used to activate and alter DNA. I felt a sense of having to fall inline with and, pay respects to the stories of abductees already recorded. Not wanting to digress too far from the script as I figured out my character.
I remembered a lunch during a Bashar event in San Francisco, it was the first one I attended after Jen and I met Darryl for a private session in 2010. Jen and I had sat at what we called "the little kids table" a little round table to the side of a big long table where Darryl and the rest of the "grown up's sat" They even gave us crayons! Jen and I wrote some silly rap about "Goin' to the sky, sky, sky, gettin' High, high, high, oh you know, she. she. shevi" As the lunch was winding down and people left, two seats opened up next to Darryl. We went over to show him our poetry. He joked "I want some of what you two are smoking"
"Hey! We didn't smoke anything!" I defended
"Yah, today." He jested.
I just shrugged. Then silently he took a crayon and crossed out "Shevi", and rewrote "Shivai." Correcting our spelling of the Sassani word, which is a concept. A word said in a parting of energies. I am on my path, in my soul's trajectory, now, kindly, get out of my way. This is how I interpret this Sassani word.
I had a shaved head at the time, after Darryl had corrected my spelling, he rubbed his hand on the top of my head.
"What's with this? Now we look even more alike" he winked.
"I ..uh.. I am playing Buddhist." I didn't quite now how to respond.
Back in 2012 my mind started to spin, again. It would also make sense if there were multiple parents in the genetic adjustments. I did think that Darryl and I looked alike too. Why was that? Maybe running a similar or same energy creates similarities in the physical appearance? Sure. Or maybe...Darryl Anka was one of my hybrid father DNA donors!! Or, don't forget time travel. Maybe I am one of the donors to his possible hybridization. One of his mothers?! I was pushing my imagination far out now, even for me.. but maybe "who knows" I wrote to him and asked if he thought there were genetic connections. His reply was short, sweet and kinda vague, as usual.
"Regarding connections, I suppose it's possible there is a genetic one, but who knows? Nevertheless, I am happy for the connection we have, whatever it may be"
I had to stop this spiraling train. I was running my self silly and getting nowhere. It wasn't serving me. Forget about the aliens for a while, I told myself, If you can. Ground. Talk to the Mother. That is why you are here, I reminded myself. And Know what you know. That right now, you don't know.
In late April of 2012, I learned some very interesting information, another piece of the puzzle, that fit right into place with my reasons for being in Hawi'i. I had been picked up hitch hiking - it is supper common on the Big Island, and a safe way to get around and let fate guide you - a really cool white local guy and I were swapping stories about ideas of alternative history, spirituality, and of coarse aliens.
"Well, you know about the 19.47 degrees latitude don't you?"
"No" I said, "I have no idea what you are talking about, do tell"
"Oh wow, I am really happy to be the one to give you this piece, I think this is another big reason as to why you are here. Just google 19.47 degrees." As we reached the ride's destination. "Google Richard Hoagland"
The addition of the 19.47 latitude line to my story still has me spinning is circles. It is quite a large file to process. I believe we are still learning the true gravity of this concept. I suggest people to do their own research on this matter. Richard Hoagland and Nassim Haramein are good places to start. There is much floating around online about the theories of this lay line. Here is what I have come to understand from my own research and experience through my perception about the 19.47 degree line.
First we must start with a double tetrahedron. Two intersecting trilateral pyramids ( a three dimensional 6 pointed star, the Star of David, the Star of Solomon or the Merkaba. When the shape is inserted into a globe, it fits perfectly, two of the points hit the north and south pole. There are four other points that hit very interesting spots on our planet, and on other planets as well, with corresponding anomalies continuing along the 19.47 line.
On our planet, the southwestern point hits most active volcano on our planet, Kilauea on the Big Island. If you continue on the line you will run right through in to Kealakekua Bay - The Gateway of the Gods. Kealakekua is home to the Hiki'au Heiau. A Hawaiian temple honoring ALL of the Hawaiian God. The local Hawaiians told me that most sites such as this honor only a few gods, maybe several, but this site, honors all of them. It was believed that from here stemmed from a spiral vortex that lead all they way up to the center of the galaxy.
If you continue the line to the east you will find it connects with the Sun Temple, Teotihuacan in Mexico. And then to Mount Emi Koussi in Chad, Africa. It is the highest mountain in Chad and the highest mountain in the Sahara and also a volcano.
On the northeastern side, the 19.47 line runs right through Aveburry Circle in Southern England.
On the Sun, sunspot activity and the region of peak temperatures is limited to the area of 19.47 degrees north and south.
On Venus, the presumably active major volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.47 degrees.
The red spot on Jupiter, what to some is "an obvious vortex" is found at 19.47
A similar spot on Neptune was found at 19.47
The Olympus Mon shield volcano is located at 19.47 degrees on Mars. The controversial "face on mars" and the surrounding possible "pyramids" are also found with in very close proximity to this lay line.
I would like to go back now to the first image of the double tetrahedron, the 6 pointed star.
This is a symbol that has been used through out the ages, by a wide variety of cultures holding various religious and spiritual beliefs. Essentially, to me, it represents the melding of the masculine and feminine energies. But, it is also, to me, a very masculine symbol, just inherently. Straight angles and lines. Brings up feelings of the masculine, while the more circular or round conjurers the arch-type of the feminine in me. In various New Age ideas the Merkaba is apparently the mathematical representation of what the energetic body looks like, or something... it runs in connection to the chakra system...or something. I use somethin' kine language here to imply my lack of enthusiasm for these concepts at this point in my transition. Not to say that the chakra system is not a valid tool to help us in our evolution. But it is a system... and not the "end all, be all". What is the true story behind these correlating vortex spots of energy? I think it is a strong indication that the reality that we are existing in, is what I can best categorize as "bio-tech". I do not know what is "true" I only know right now, the story that is presenting itself. In the science community mitochondrial DNA is agreed upon to be from unknown origin. Everything carries it, but they don't know where it comes from. It doesn't "fit" it to the equation that "should" be the foundation of Earth. At the basic levels of all life, there is the addition of the "other" But I don't see in science, I see in stories.
I feel there was a time when "life" was created differently here, on the breath of the start dusted fairy, on the will and the belch of the void scented centaur. "Others" where intrigued by this form of creation. They wanted to replicate it, to be able to find it again. To "mine" it.. "Mine!" They said. "I want it to be all Mine!" They created ways to transform the energy into a more solidified state to solidify their needs. Systems were put in place. Grids. Lines. Ways to align, track, and transfer energies. A playing field was created. The two great apposing forces are at work on these energetic lines and vortexes in overlaying dimensions. I see this as "natural" and "unnatural". An "integrative" and a "segragative" Not necessarily "Good or Evil" There is that level to it, yes, but it might not be best to draw too much foccus on those types of labeling at this time. I think it is important to start to see the dual nature in everything even the "unnatural" The architecture of varying temples and sites is important to note. It keeps repeating. Egypt to Rome to America. These aspects I see as the "segragative" or the "unnatural" Symbols are used weave us down a desired track. These modes of architecture are ancient.. beyond ancient. From the Old Empire/The old Republic. These tactics have been used for eons. Like, Dune, dudes, it is Star Wars. No Joke. Our souls come from ancient epic sagas that have been playing out these sagas forever. FOR..EV..ER...The Old Empire has been trying trick us into staying in segregation using various tactics that our souls are unconsciously drawn to. But "The Realm" the "the natural", has another Will. Resistance will not be futile. We can learn to use these energetic portals and vortexes to dive into more. However, I believe they are created systems. Additional layers in the story. A fractal of the puzzle piece. I feel too much importance has been placed on the chakra/Merkaba systems as a vehicle to "Transcend" or "Ascend" So, above so below. If our planet was charted and mapped so outside forces could utilize and influence her energetic centers, then why not our own bodies?
Some folks out there present these sacred geometry concepts as being "the answer" But it isn't. In my opinion, the "answer" would be simple enough to explain to a young child. These just involve too much math and classification to describe and depict the "truth" of a natural creation. I am aware that there are mathematical ways to break down these lay line numbers into equations that turn out to equal pi, or fit in perfectly with the fibonacci spiral sequence. I am was attempting to include this information here for people, especially it being Pi day. 3/14 (3.14) to lay this plot line out on the table, but the left side of my brain is being breached by the tweeting of birds expanding me back to the write....numbers are also a tool, a system...I don't think what is natural can be categorized or classified in that way.. so back to the story....
While swimming in the Kealakekua Bay, concepts swirled through my imagination. I saw visions of souls entering in to our realm, using these vortexes first on our other planets to descend through the demenional layers into the Earth arena. The arrangement of sites on our planet used as a mechanism to transition into denser states of being. Kilauea, the inferno. The churning of the fire belly. The souls are released into Kealakeua Bay. The Gateway. I felt it was the molecular structure of the water that made this transference of density possible. There was a faint glimmer of a something else specific in the waters too, but I could quite grasp it. While these stories circled in my awareness, I encountered the dolphins enough times in precise moments of synchronization and harmony to begin to trust what I was imagining. They would click and whistle in call and response to my thoughts. Reassuring. They would flip and surface. Or come by for a dance when I made a clever enough realization.
One day I was swimming out in the middle of the bay when I saw a light grid over the entire landscape. In the water, it glistened brightly. A symbol of a cross with a circle in the middle was put in my head. "Wow" I said to myself, that felt like the dolphins. I surfaced to find about 8 dorsal fins cresting by. I dove down and they swam to me. Looking me straight in the eyes. "Never doubt what you are capable of Gita San, Never" And then they were off.
Another day, some time later, at Honaunau Bay, the Place of Refuge, another place the dolphins can be found resting or socializing. This day the dolphins were not in the bay. I was talking with a "New Ager" He was telling me, talking At me in his dogmatic tone, about the importance and benefits of opening the chakras, running energy through them.. I had to interject. Yes, run energy, your own energy. Heart energy. The little speck of light that spins in the dark center of your chest. For most of us, if we are brave enough to be honest with our selves, and a lucky one, we will find it to be about the size of a dime. Expand that through your centers. And, I must play the devils, or daemon's, or rather, the Lucifer advocate, here. What if, just what if those chakras were put in your body from the aliens who want to suck and siphon our life force energy and use our eternal fire for the furthering of the plot towards total debt-in and domination???? Just then, the pod of dolphins, about a dozen all in a horizontal line came bounding, arching into the bay! I let out a warrior call, a language sweet like home apple pie on a foreign tongue. I dove into the bay, no mask, no fins. The dolphins called back, buzzing high yet deep, blasting my bones. The orchestra in my organs played for only moments, I felt the reverberations fade out, as they swam back out into their depths. I returned back to the rocks as my scene partner was all geared up, mask and fins in hand, ready to see if he could encounter the dolphins. They have gone, I told him. But, you should still go swim. Their stories linger in the water.
A few days after St. Patrick's day, I had a dream where I was in a huge "space station"or on a ship?. Rows and rows of egg like pods lined up. Young adults stood in a line waiting to be ushered to and shown what pod was theirs by Darryl Anka. I stood inline and watched my peers ahead of me waiting for Darryl to tell them what way to go. It felt uncomfortable. I got up to him and said, "Thanks but no thanks, dude. I know which one is mine." He smiled and patted me on the back.
The next night I had a vivid dream. I was walking out of my parents house, the house I grew up in, they house where they still live. I walked across the court, out to the main street. Orion and Sirius sparkled bright above. Their was a little white egg like pod parked out on the street. It was mine. I walked up to it, it breathed its self open. I sat in. No controls in the vessel, no seats, no windows, just the "substance" of the egg. It was smooth and iridescent, like a pearl. The pod was female. It was a friend that I missed. Was so happy to see her. I put my hands on either side of the vessel, they sunk in to a surface that felt like smooth, slick, memory foam. This was the "go" button. We were off! Zooming through space and time. It was darker than I remembered. No stars. Void. "You may think, that you are in me right now" whispered the pod to me "But really, we live in you, always. Traveling through your canals of creation" I felt the simple joy of cruising with a good friend down a summer street, the love and trust of the parents that have handed you the keys. Flashes of light and color swirled from outside and with in. I woke up to the birds chirping and the sent of tropical flowers.
I think it was around April of 2012 that I had a vivid vision in the hypnogognic state, as I was falling asleep. I was watching myself attending a galactic board meeting. Many different types of beings discussing the proposals for "disclosure" I heard, sounding from the internal intercom,
"You are being invited to an upcoming event. We would very much like to see you" The voice felt of the Sassani energy. I dozed off deeper into sleep and did not recall any dreams from the night. I woke up the next morning to find a mass email sent from Bashar Communications announcing their up coming sessions for the weekend of June 15th 2012. "No Comparison" "Resonance and Reflection" and "The UFO Witness Declaration"
Okay, I guess I am going to LA in June I thought, or rather decided in that moment. I was happy in Hawaii, yet there had been a feeling for the past few weeks, where I felt I was not were I "needed" to be. I always feel this, however, finding peace where I am has always been a challenge for me. But this was a call. I have felt ever since this interaction began with these energies that I was "on duty" So, this was an assignment. I had also been curious about LA for a while. I had always been a performer in the entertainment world, stage acting and movies, but at this point in my life I had uncovered my love of writing music. My dream of dreams would be to have a band, of like minded artists to spread these ideas through music, entertainment and story. LA seemed like a more likely place for this to happen than Hawaii and to maybe even "make it". I got a job at a local cafe, bought my plane ticket, the ticket to the session, and saved a little, but not very much, at all to go back to the mainland by June 15th.
When I honestly try to look at my state of mind during this time, all I get is a fuzz. I was sober. But my thoughts and actions were being influenced by my strong need at the time for a belief in a story. I needed so desperately at that time to have a way to classify all that had happened to me. I went to LA with a one way ticket and with out a plan. I had a vague idea, or a deluded fantasy of how the story would go. I wanted to find a family, people that understood me, that could maybe help me understand who and what I "WAS". I booked a couple nights at a cheap hostel and new that I was going to the sessions...and that was it.
It was another "call to adventure"
Again... I am Cameron in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" "He'll keep calling me, he'll keep calling me until I come over. He'll make me feel guilty. This is uh... This is ridiculous, ok I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go. What - I'LL GO. Shit."
And yes, I know that no one can MAKE you feel guilty, Just the energy in this scene resonates with how I feel being in the driver's seat.
A link to the scene :)
And we all know he gets back in the car...and he Goes!
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