Atonement. At.One.Ment.

Hello friends. Pardon me for my lack of participation in the News Feed. I have been watching, observing, filtering and processing information. I am now aware screens are reflecting back my dreams It is time to participate no need for fear. I bow my head to some of you in a state of atonement. For how wrong of me, to have forgotten that this friendship has always been that of I was scared that some how you would hurt me, not accept me. But that was only because I was not comfortable with who and what I thought I may be. I watched you all. Took what I needed and shared little, next to nothing. Out of fear, I stayed silent.

There are some of you on pages that I recognize from stories in other books.Other times and other places. I have felt your energies. I have received your comments and messages the way I needed to right now, through my heart. Waves of signature frequency rippling through me, you have encouraged me, go. Release. Open. Chin up as you fall back and in. We've got your back. The nature of reality has your back. As, much as you have helped support me, I felt some of you tapping your foot, sort of shaking your head at me.. where are you? You are are perfectly in time really....just stop being a ghost. This ever slightly impatient encouragement showed me how much you truly loved me. It reminded me that, I could indeed be playing my part more.

Here is the next and the same installment of my story. I know I am jumping through plot lines and skipping over details. But I trust you all can follow me, if you want to.

In late summer of 2009, that is the general time frame, I am more and more loosing grasp on the unneeded specifics in time, anyway, It was on a night in this general time frame that I first made contact with what I think is extraterrestrial energies. Marijuana helped me activate this connection, I wish to state for the record that I have come to learn that I function best with all this information sober. With a clear mind that I know more to be mine, I am able to more successfully ground the information.

Currently, I receive, I observe, I compile, I think I feel. I do not believe certain specifics, at least not consciously at this point in time. In this contact with perceived extraterrestrials I was offered a role in a collective play. It was all given to me in quick moments. I have spent the following years recollecting the details. This is an over view of the story pitch that has been present to me, this is only my perspective of the information that has been given to me.

Imagine if you will, a reality of your earth that has been co-created with off world energy and input since its very early ages. The composite of the DNA that you have today is a mixture of terrestrial and Alien DNA. In fact, in the human form rests all strains of all the DNA that is known to exist in all creations of in the multi-verse. You carry in you all polarities of physical expression. "Evil to Divine" Literally, physically in your cells. The stories of alien and off world interaction are varied and bring with them different intentions and reasons for the intermingling. Those with intentions and desires for harmonious co-creation for the greater good of experience and exploration. Those who harm, bring negative control and ultimate separation. And those who are using a gray area to attempt ultimate and true transformation. The intentions may criss-cross and are not necessarily germane to any individual race. Now, imagine a reality where the Earth is on the path to destruction. The environment is long destroyed and toxic. It's inhabitants had to adapt their forms with genetics and a heavy harsh reliance on technology. In their past they had made strides in technology, able to accomplish space and time travel. They were then forced to leave their planet for their survival. And with it they have lost connection with the essence of their wills. All that once was natural has been disconnected. There is dying intuition and a degrading of the ability to feel. This is a tragic loss in the story of creation. A journey is made through time and self to in hopes to redirect the storyline. The inhabitants of this changed earth have the ability to contact and interbreed with their past selves, they see that this will continue the evolution of their race, and may awake in their past selves a stronger connection to the intuition of the natural will. A connection that would alter the course of the planet's and her people's story towards a true balance. These inhabitants would be a fraction of what you understand as the "Greys" That, however, is a prototype body that has been widely used throughout the multi-verse in many different times. There are beings who will look the same, but have different stories. The interactions that these fractions of the Greys created with aspects of your world's reality have been become known as the "abduction program" We will now say that ALL off world interaction has been in agreement. There is only always agreement. There is the experience of non-agreement for activation of feelings and lessons, but it is always only an experience. You are what we call a hybridized human, all humans are hybridized. But you have had further alterations and modifications during these Grey interactions that have activated dormant DNA. You have been physically aboard ships since in your mother's womb. These contacts and alterations happen in genetic lines. You have had DNA activated to help bring about balanced and true transformation and integration of humanity and planet earth. There is genetics from races you would understand as "good" and "bad" You in your mind could classify them as varying beings ET, Alien, Angel, Demon, Fairy, Mermaid, Giants....It is as limitless as your imagination. There are specific race lineages that have been more activated in you and most others like you that you will meet, these of the "sons of God" The Fallen Races. Some fractions of the Anunnaki and Nephilim. These connections have been activated for specific reasons, reasons you will figure out more about as your journey continues. In sort, you are a supper hero, you are a sifi hero, you are a fairy tale character, for you are Human. You are not alone. Their are other's like you who have had similar experiences. Together you will be the forerunners of what is possible. But all Humans carry the same potential for utmost greatness. You are being offered a role to play a part in this story as one of the forerunners, If you choose to take it.
Research into existing material about the subject and experience in my external reality seemed to confirm the definite possibility and a maybe likely-hood of these stories. I started to see flashing lights in the skies. UFOs. Many bizarre dreams with a multitude of different types of beings. I started to have activations in my awareness, being able to hear thoughts and feelings, seeing colors and auras, knowing world opened up, but experiences stayed undefinable. I have never seen or touched anything that was concrete. And thus, I have gone through different stages in my understanding of this offer. At times I believed it, other times I rejected it altogether. I have gone in and out of trust and fear of the beings that originally presented these ideas. I currently do not have a belief. I choose not to believe this to be true or not. But the time has come for me to make a choice to play or not. I have been presented a story, it's time to act. That is what I have always done. Acted. Become different characters. When doing this, I suspended disbelief, told stories, but most importantly had fun. I have spent so much time over the past few years, loosing myself in the worry and angst of what was TRUE? what was REAL? Am I just lost in dreams and story? I am CRAZY? I want to have fun and play me. And the me that I have been asked to play seems pretty fantastical! As absolutely "nuts" as it is. I can't deny the wonder, the folly, and the laughter it gives me.

After I did some reading and investigation about the fallen races and the Archons and those who came to negative reasons, I found an alternate storyline that helped me. These beings came here in destruction. Ultimate fear, anger,  and jealousy. With intention to take complete advantage of this planet and her people. The story that I wrote for myself was,. This was me. And these genes were activated in me to bring me perspective here. To take responsibility for my actions. To be of service and love here. To be in appreciation and gratitude. I like this storyline.This idea took away all the details. Stripped the away the worrying about the story and put me back in the moment. Do Good. Be the loving you to the best of your ability. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. You are allowed to be here, given this experience. Be present. All the real information that was needed was allowed to come through. I was able to find a way to navigate and appreciate.

I need to start playing with these concepts more. I have re-named my self, now, I need to reclaim myself and act.  GITA is a Galactic Intuitive Transition Agent.

These energies do exist. I do believe that, and they morph with us, with our imaginations. I think it is a collective story. We need a mono myth to explore, and the costume that we have put on it, is aliens. It is our way to explore the "more" It is an interaction that may give us a few answers, but really just gives more questions for us to ask ourselves. Those are the best answers and the best kind of questions.

I do not want to go through this alone anymore, it's not fun. I want my pod people ;) I call upon those who are like me , yet always questioning. If you have solid formed beliefs, I am not really interested. I want to play, ponder, question, bemuse and amuse. I know you all are out there. But like me, you have stayed quiet. I know in reality you have been quiet because I was quiet. It's a mirror and this is my self reflection. I am curious about you ideas about your plot lines, what you think maybe happening here. Please, challenge my ideas about what maybe occurring. Give me a different story pitch to ponder.

I will not get lost in my own head and drown in my fear anymore. I do not want to get lost in story. I will be present in the play. I will assume my position and roll with my role.

Thank you all, seen and unseen, for your participation in this scene. And thank you for allowing your screens to reflect my dreams..
