A few years ago I started "channeling aliens". Or beings that said themselves to be aliens. I don't like to believe everything or anything the voices in my head tell me, they are tricky. The best teachers like to make us find the answers for ourselves. I am channeling my inner alien. Literally, I think and metaphorically, definitely. This much, I know. Its been a wild a wacky road that has always just lead me straight back to me. An experience that has me challenging myself and my beliefs in the mirror, constantly. It is kind of a long story that will take a few of these blog posts to tell...
It started out of the blue. I met a friend, Jen Thomson, Intuitive Clairvoyant. http://www.pebooks.com/so/jen/, this was before she even had a website, check her out- she's awesome!! She can teach you how to get all the information you could ever want about yourself for yourself! She will arm you with some good techniques and help you make your own tools for the inner warrior's journey.
I had never met some one who actually had, what I consider to be magic powers. I was overjoyed!! Magic is real! And not only did her abilities confirm to me that something - else -was going on, she said I was capable of it too! She did a reading for me one day at a coffee shop and said I had all these aliens and ETs "in my space" in my energy field. I was stunned. I had never even considered the idea of aliens. It was as though I had blinders on that had suddenly been taken off.
"Aliens, like from outer space? They're real?"
"Well, some are from outer space and some are just, well..... just are. And, yes, I think they are very real"
There was a flash in her eye, a jump in my heart and then like I was switching altitudes my ears popped and I thought "oh, duh, aliens are real! How could I have forgotten?"
A few nights later Jen and I were hanging out at her house. She was telling me some of the things she has learned already on her path. Fantastic stories of alternative history. I mean fantastic!! And it seemed more real and logical than anything I had been told before. I had just watched the "Loose Change" documentary, my mind had been jarred open, I was in a state of not knowing what I knew at all anymore. I was ready to enter down the rabbit hole. Jen talked of an initial separation of creation. A whole splits in two. Mind, body, spirits and right use of wills. Lost ragingly beautiful mothers, and forgotten peaceful fathers, worlds and bodies taking form from thought. Ancient aliens, sacred bloodlines, hidden secrets. Real magic. Scary, terrifying and yet wonderful adventure. She had lists of resources, books and names. There was a whole world of mystery right in front of me the whole time, people researching and logging this type of information for centuries. And I never knew it! And it sounded serious, the eternal battle of good and evil. A true Star Wars happening right here, right now! It sounded epic. I could feel my heart tell me it was true. I could feel my mind question everything I thought I knew. I could chose to believe it and get handed a role in the greatest story ever told or say no and just get dragged along by the old, same old, same old.
I said yes! Sure, life is a fairy tale! Bring it!
But, it's not like we think, Jen reminded with a wink. The stories are true, but they are also just that, stories. Characters we play in the play and everyone in it's just you, talking to you through layers and mirrors of more and more of you.
Then with a sly, rye smile she asked, "You wanna smoke some pot?"
I hadn't smoked pot in years. It never agreed with me. It spun me into places that I never understood. Other places. I thought I was talking to God while my friends threw Funyuns at each other. But after this talk with Jen, I was starting to think, maybe I was talking to God.. cause I am a God too?? That is what he was trying to tell me that day when I refused to hear him. I felt safe with Jen. I wanted to say yes to this new journey, taking a hit of pot seemed like a good start. It was the gateway drug right? I was more than done with the hard drugs at this point, so maybe Mary could help open a gate to a better way this time. As soon as I took the hit, just one good, hell yeah, I inhaled hit, my mind and body started to swirl. Together as one but away from the spirit of the observer. It was all one. But I was still fully aware of the separate three becoming one. In this moment I was thankful for the little Buddhist meditation training that I had. Breathe. Be with the breath. That was all I had. There was a tearing on all my levels. Fear started to creep in. Fear. Breathe. In. Fear. Swirling. Out. Fear. Jen took notice.
"Are you okay?"
"I am scared Jen, really scared. "
"That's okay, feel it. You are safe. Are you comfortable with me leading you through a meditation? "
"Sure" Whatever would help.
"Okay, I want you to imagine yourself in a big theater. Put yourself high up in the balcony. Put your fear on stage. Allow it to be its own energy. Take it's own shape."
I did. It was a huge swirling dragon. Spitting fire. Angry, only at me. There was a whole wide world for it to devour, but it only wanted me.
"Allow your self to look at it, really look at it. See it for what it is"
I made myself. I could see into it. It was made up of swirling holographic mirrors. And then like a dog who doesn't want to be looked in the eye it ran away. But the visual was so vivid I was amazed and no longer frighted.
"Holy shit. Jen! Like, I could SEE it!! like a movie in my head!" I explained to her what the dragon did.
"Good. You want to ask it to come back?"
It felt odd, calling back something I was initially so afraid of, but I was too fascinated by the experience I couldn't not go again. I shut my eyes, and put myself back in the theater. This time I had jumped down closer to the mezzanine. The dragon came on stage slowly behind the wings. He was quite possibly as leery of me as I was of him.
"He's back" I said.
"Okay, in your own time, go down closer to him."
With determination I went down to the orchestra level. Maybe in the 6th or 7th row. The dragon did not like me so close, he snarled and spit fire at me. I said no, I saw you. You are a hologram and you are a mirror.
"I am a messenger" I heard him say. But, I HEARD it folks.. Like an echo through my entire body.
At that moment, Jen says " Allow yourself to go even closer to him"
I was enthralled. The dragon stood tall and intense and yet a part of me. I walked right up to the lip of the stage and to the nose of the dragon. I could see millions of fractal scales, mirrors, and refracting light. Then, I fell into the void.
Next I knew I was flying up, up, up, into the theater. Landing up on the catwalk. I was in an egg like cocoon. Standing upright. Naked. My world seemed like jello. I was at peace, happy. The same voice came, the voice of the dragon."Good evening" was all he said. At the same time I could feel my physical body speaking, I could feel my jaw and throat moving. I knew I was talking, but I did not retain the words. I could feel spirits, guides, beings, whatever, good feelings talking to me from the universe, saying I was embarking down a road full of magic.. I really would become everything I could imagine myself to be. All of these concepts where in fact very real, if I chose to believe them. The road would be challenging yet rewarding. I was shown visions of things I could have only dreamed of. Having powers! Telepathy, telekinesis, invisibility. But more so, I was given a feeling of peace of simple awareness and understanding. I could have all this, I could be all this and more, the universe told me. I will go through times of confusion, however, this journey will not be all "peaches and cream". This journey is about feeling certain things that like to hide deep in ourselves, this story is about feeling those things to the surface. I felt these emotions so clearly in this moment. There was much to feel before I reached the top of the mountain, but once there, I understood I would be thrilled to have made the journey. I was being given a choice to fully walk into this world or not. In that moment, there was no going back for me. I was being shown such love unbound by endless possibility. I had to say yes.
I could feel the layers of the egg wash off me with each new understanding until I was under one final layer. I could press it out far with my hands, it was amazingly flexible. It was an almost distractingly shimmery substance. I was comfortable being in it, only really because, like the fear and the dragon I was fascinated by it. I asked "will this layer go away too? Is this part of the deal?"
"Only if you want it to" But I understood, for now, this final layer was needed. It was the vehicle to more of me.
My eyes opened. I was back in Jen's room. She stared at me wide eyed. "Holy Shit! That was crazy!"
"Yeah," I was dazed. I was aware that even through all that experience my body had been talking. I wasn't sure what about. I remembered a being that felt like a little wise old Asian lady, and that was it.
Jen looked at me very seriously, "Have you ever heard of Bashar?"
"No. Who? What is that?"
"Well, this is kinda weird stuff. But he, well the human man Darryl Anka is what's called a vocal channel. He goes into an altered state of consciousness and connects to a being that represents himself to be extraterrestrial being that is able to relay information vocally through Darryl. Vocal channeling is a common phenomenon in this types of circles. I have listened to a fair amount of them, most are shit. This guy is legit. Yah, there are some schisms that I don't agree with, but no one has the full story right now. Anyway, the information that you just gave was right in line with what they talk about. But more importantly, it was the WAY you gave it, the energy was the same. I think there is something here for you. Obviously, I think. Well, if you are curious, and you feel EXCITED to do so, YouTube Bashar."
I went home that night and did. I YouTub-ed the name and a whole list of videos came up. A middle aged guy sitting in a chair, his hands in a funny position, eyes closed with crystals behind him. I was more than unsure. I clicked on one video that was titled "teleportation" Okay, that sounds interesting. In the video Bashar, via body of Darryl goes into the mechanics of how teleportation is possible. My heart understood what he was saying to be true, even if my mind could barely keep up with the details. Even more interesting was the fact that I started crying, like bawling. I felt a huge sense of connection. Like a feeling of home that I had forgotten I forgot. I watched several videos that night. I deduced that the main message this being was giving, where ever he was really from, was to follow your heart. To follow your joy. To be present and follow your true excitement in each and every moment. But it was presented in a way as THE tool to hack us out of "the matrix" to "find" our way "home". Bashar was able to break down the idea of "follow your bliss" and put physics behind the metaphorical story we have been told. I saw many things to question about the information, except for the idea of "follow your excitement" You already have the power. There was nothing I could question or disagree with about the simplicity of that message. I told these beings, who ever they were, myself or something else...or both, I was ready and agreeing to the communication.
I went to sleep that night and found myself in a grove of redwood trees with a circle of alien looking beings. All female. About 4 to 5 feet tall. Big, wide, stunningly bright eyes and moon white hair. It was a flash. I was receiving a lesson. I knew I was in some sort of school. And then It was gone. Dark. Black. Void.
I heard the voice of Darryl Anka, maybe as Bashar, but more so as a human
"Don't loose your light"
And then I woke up with a jolt.
This was the beginning of the beginning for me. I was being introduced to characters that I was some how tied to. But was I stepping into a role in a story that I had already agreed to? Or was it all being created and perpetuated by my own intentions and beliefs? Both, I understood, both. This realization of lack of control and complete responsibility terrified and excited me. It was dark and scary and beautiful. I was again staring into the mirrored scales of my own fear dragon. The door to the paradox was opened. There was no turning back.
To be continued......
It started out of the blue. I met a friend, Jen Thomson, Intuitive Clairvoyant. http://www.pebooks.com/so/jen/, this was before she even had a website, check her out- she's awesome!! She can teach you how to get all the information you could ever want about yourself for yourself! She will arm you with some good techniques and help you make your own tools for the inner warrior's journey.
I had never met some one who actually had, what I consider to be magic powers. I was overjoyed!! Magic is real! And not only did her abilities confirm to me that something - else -was going on, she said I was capable of it too! She did a reading for me one day at a coffee shop and said I had all these aliens and ETs "in my space" in my energy field. I was stunned. I had never even considered the idea of aliens. It was as though I had blinders on that had suddenly been taken off.
"Aliens, like from outer space? They're real?"
"Well, some are from outer space and some are just, well..... just are. And, yes, I think they are very real"
There was a flash in her eye, a jump in my heart and then like I was switching altitudes my ears popped and I thought "oh, duh, aliens are real! How could I have forgotten?"
A few nights later Jen and I were hanging out at her house. She was telling me some of the things she has learned already on her path. Fantastic stories of alternative history. I mean fantastic!! And it seemed more real and logical than anything I had been told before. I had just watched the "Loose Change" documentary, my mind had been jarred open, I was in a state of not knowing what I knew at all anymore. I was ready to enter down the rabbit hole. Jen talked of an initial separation of creation. A whole splits in two. Mind, body, spirits and right use of wills. Lost ragingly beautiful mothers, and forgotten peaceful fathers, worlds and bodies taking form from thought. Ancient aliens, sacred bloodlines, hidden secrets. Real magic. Scary, terrifying and yet wonderful adventure. She had lists of resources, books and names. There was a whole world of mystery right in front of me the whole time, people researching and logging this type of information for centuries. And I never knew it! And it sounded serious, the eternal battle of good and evil. A true Star Wars happening right here, right now! It sounded epic. I could feel my heart tell me it was true. I could feel my mind question everything I thought I knew. I could chose to believe it and get handed a role in the greatest story ever told or say no and just get dragged along by the old, same old, same old.
I said yes! Sure, life is a fairy tale! Bring it!
But, it's not like we think, Jen reminded with a wink. The stories are true, but they are also just that, stories. Characters we play in the play and everyone in it's just you, talking to you through layers and mirrors of more and more of you.
Then with a sly, rye smile she asked, "You wanna smoke some pot?"
I hadn't smoked pot in years. It never agreed with me. It spun me into places that I never understood. Other places. I thought I was talking to God while my friends threw Funyuns at each other. But after this talk with Jen, I was starting to think, maybe I was talking to God.. cause I am a God too?? That is what he was trying to tell me that day when I refused to hear him. I felt safe with Jen. I wanted to say yes to this new journey, taking a hit of pot seemed like a good start. It was the gateway drug right? I was more than done with the hard drugs at this point, so maybe Mary could help open a gate to a better way this time. As soon as I took the hit, just one good, hell yeah, I inhaled hit, my mind and body started to swirl. Together as one but away from the spirit of the observer. It was all one. But I was still fully aware of the separate three becoming one. In this moment I was thankful for the little Buddhist meditation training that I had. Breathe. Be with the breath. That was all I had. There was a tearing on all my levels. Fear started to creep in. Fear. Breathe. In. Fear. Swirling. Out. Fear. Jen took notice.
"Are you okay?"
"I am scared Jen, really scared. "
"That's okay, feel it. You are safe. Are you comfortable with me leading you through a meditation? "
"Sure" Whatever would help.
"Okay, I want you to imagine yourself in a big theater. Put yourself high up in the balcony. Put your fear on stage. Allow it to be its own energy. Take it's own shape."
I did. It was a huge swirling dragon. Spitting fire. Angry, only at me. There was a whole wide world for it to devour, but it only wanted me.
"Allow your self to look at it, really look at it. See it for what it is"
I made myself. I could see into it. It was made up of swirling holographic mirrors. And then like a dog who doesn't want to be looked in the eye it ran away. But the visual was so vivid I was amazed and no longer frighted.
"Holy shit. Jen! Like, I could SEE it!! like a movie in my head!" I explained to her what the dragon did.
"Good. You want to ask it to come back?"
It felt odd, calling back something I was initially so afraid of, but I was too fascinated by the experience I couldn't not go again. I shut my eyes, and put myself back in the theater. This time I had jumped down closer to the mezzanine. The dragon came on stage slowly behind the wings. He was quite possibly as leery of me as I was of him.
"He's back" I said.
"Okay, in your own time, go down closer to him."
With determination I went down to the orchestra level. Maybe in the 6th or 7th row. The dragon did not like me so close, he snarled and spit fire at me. I said no, I saw you. You are a hologram and you are a mirror.
"I am a messenger" I heard him say. But, I HEARD it folks.. Like an echo through my entire body.
At that moment, Jen says " Allow yourself to go even closer to him"
I was enthralled. The dragon stood tall and intense and yet a part of me. I walked right up to the lip of the stage and to the nose of the dragon. I could see millions of fractal scales, mirrors, and refracting light. Then, I fell into the void.
Next I knew I was flying up, up, up, into the theater. Landing up on the catwalk. I was in an egg like cocoon. Standing upright. Naked. My world seemed like jello. I was at peace, happy. The same voice came, the voice of the dragon."Good evening" was all he said. At the same time I could feel my physical body speaking, I could feel my jaw and throat moving. I knew I was talking, but I did not retain the words. I could feel spirits, guides, beings, whatever, good feelings talking to me from the universe, saying I was embarking down a road full of magic.. I really would become everything I could imagine myself to be. All of these concepts where in fact very real, if I chose to believe them. The road would be challenging yet rewarding. I was shown visions of things I could have only dreamed of. Having powers! Telepathy, telekinesis, invisibility. But more so, I was given a feeling of peace of simple awareness and understanding. I could have all this, I could be all this and more, the universe told me. I will go through times of confusion, however, this journey will not be all "peaches and cream". This journey is about feeling certain things that like to hide deep in ourselves, this story is about feeling those things to the surface. I felt these emotions so clearly in this moment. There was much to feel before I reached the top of the mountain, but once there, I understood I would be thrilled to have made the journey. I was being given a choice to fully walk into this world or not. In that moment, there was no going back for me. I was being shown such love unbound by endless possibility. I had to say yes.
I could feel the layers of the egg wash off me with each new understanding until I was under one final layer. I could press it out far with my hands, it was amazingly flexible. It was an almost distractingly shimmery substance. I was comfortable being in it, only really because, like the fear and the dragon I was fascinated by it. I asked "will this layer go away too? Is this part of the deal?"
"Only if you want it to" But I understood, for now, this final layer was needed. It was the vehicle to more of me.
My eyes opened. I was back in Jen's room. She stared at me wide eyed. "Holy Shit! That was crazy!"
"Yeah," I was dazed. I was aware that even through all that experience my body had been talking. I wasn't sure what about. I remembered a being that felt like a little wise old Asian lady, and that was it.
Jen looked at me very seriously, "Have you ever heard of Bashar?"
"No. Who? What is that?"
"Well, this is kinda weird stuff. But he, well the human man Darryl Anka is what's called a vocal channel. He goes into an altered state of consciousness and connects to a being that represents himself to be extraterrestrial being that is able to relay information vocally through Darryl. Vocal channeling is a common phenomenon in this types of circles. I have listened to a fair amount of them, most are shit. This guy is legit. Yah, there are some schisms that I don't agree with, but no one has the full story right now. Anyway, the information that you just gave was right in line with what they talk about. But more importantly, it was the WAY you gave it, the energy was the same. I think there is something here for you. Obviously, I think. Well, if you are curious, and you feel EXCITED to do so, YouTube Bashar."
I went home that night and did. I YouTub-ed the name and a whole list of videos came up. A middle aged guy sitting in a chair, his hands in a funny position, eyes closed with crystals behind him. I was more than unsure. I clicked on one video that was titled "teleportation" Okay, that sounds interesting. In the video Bashar, via body of Darryl goes into the mechanics of how teleportation is possible. My heart understood what he was saying to be true, even if my mind could barely keep up with the details. Even more interesting was the fact that I started crying, like bawling. I felt a huge sense of connection. Like a feeling of home that I had forgotten I forgot. I watched several videos that night. I deduced that the main message this being was giving, where ever he was really from, was to follow your heart. To follow your joy. To be present and follow your true excitement in each and every moment. But it was presented in a way as THE tool to hack us out of "the matrix" to "find" our way "home". Bashar was able to break down the idea of "follow your bliss" and put physics behind the metaphorical story we have been told. I saw many things to question about the information, except for the idea of "follow your excitement" You already have the power. There was nothing I could question or disagree with about the simplicity of that message. I told these beings, who ever they were, myself or something else...or both, I was ready and agreeing to the communication.
I went to sleep that night and found myself in a grove of redwood trees with a circle of alien looking beings. All female. About 4 to 5 feet tall. Big, wide, stunningly bright eyes and moon white hair. It was a flash. I was receiving a lesson. I knew I was in some sort of school. And then It was gone. Dark. Black. Void.
I heard the voice of Darryl Anka, maybe as Bashar, but more so as a human
"Don't loose your light"
And then I woke up with a jolt.
This was the beginning of the beginning for me. I was being introduced to characters that I was some how tied to. But was I stepping into a role in a story that I had already agreed to? Or was it all being created and perpetuated by my own intentions and beliefs? Both, I understood, both. This realization of lack of control and complete responsibility terrified and excited me. It was dark and scary and beautiful. I was again staring into the mirrored scales of my own fear dragon. The door to the paradox was opened. There was no turning back.
To be continued......
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ReplyDeleteHow exciting! I love the Bashar.